Liber P. R.
cause to the contrary. And therefore we doe hereby require
all & every of you vpon the vtmost pill that by Law may be
inflicted vpon the transgressers hereof, that you committ not
any hostile act or outrage vpon him the said Peter or any
other of his towne & nation, vnles it be such as shall putt you
in feare of yor lives by repairing to any of yor houses & plan-
tations, in numbers, lurking, or other suspicious manner, with-
out shewing or holding forth this or some other Instmt or
Passe vnder or great Seale, but that you suffer him & them
quietly to passe & repasse to or from the houses of or Leiut'
Generall & Counsell or any of them according to the full
entent & effect of this or safe conduct Given 8th June 1644
witnesse Giles Brent &c.
[Commission to Henry Fleete.]
p. 168
Cecilius &c. to Capt Henry ffleete gent greeting. Whereas
by certaine Intelligence from Pascatoway, I vnderstand that
there are some number of or enemies the Sesquihanowes
expected about this time at Pascatoway, vnder colour to treate
& conclude a peace wth them & vs, but perhaps to confederate
& vnite all the Indians of these pts in some generall league or
plott for the cutting off of the English : in maryland, as they
have most savagely attempted in virginea And because it con-
cernes much the honor & safety of the colony to have some
English there to be present at the treaty & other proceedings
to direct & overrule it if need be to countenance & strengthe or
frends that yet remaine, & terrific the others, & to proceed
wth the Sesquihanow-Agents either in hostility or truce as
there shalbe most cause & reason for either; I relying much
vpon yor skill in the Indian language, & long conversaon &
experience in the Indian affaires & yor prudence, & provident
circumspection otherwise; have made choice of you, & doe
hereby will & require you, all delayes & excuses sett apart, to
take vp wth you a convenient strength of English well armed
& pvided, to the number of twenty at the lest, & with them to
repair to Pascatoway, & there to proceed with the Indians
both frends & enemies, according to such Instruccons as shalbe
delivered to you by my Secretary, bearing date herewith. And
(during your said voyage) to lead, order & comand in cheife
all the said company as shall goe along with you, by your
selfe, or officers by you to be appointed, in all points, & to all
effects, yea even to the inflicting of death (if necessity shall so
require) vpon mutinous or disobedient persons, as a Captaine
Generall may doe by the discipline or law Martiall. And I doe
hereby require all Inhabitants & other psons of our said Pro-
vince & specially the company as shall goe along wth you, to