[photo, Glenn F. Ivey, U.S. Representative (Maryland)] GLENN F. IVEY, Esq. (Democrat)
U.S. Representative, 4th Congressional District (parts of Anne Arundel & Prince George's counties), Maryland

Capitol Hill:
1610 Longworth House Office Building, 15 Independence Ave. SE, Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-8699; fax: (202) 225-2848

Prince George's County:
4301 Garden City Drive, Suite 405, Landover, MD 20785
(240) 906-6262

Member of U.S. House of Representatives since January 3, 2023. Member, Appropriations Committee, 2025- (commerce, justice, & science subcommittee, 2025-; financial services & general government subcommittee, 2025-); Ethics Committee, 2023-. Member, Judiciary Committee, 2023-25 (administrative state, regulatory reform, & antitrust subcommittee, 2023-25; courts, intellectual property, & the internet subcommittee, 2023-25; responsiveness & accountability to oversight subcommittee, 2023-25); Homeland Security Committee, 2023-25 (oversight, investigations, & accountability subcommittee, 2023-25). Member, Task Force to Investigate Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump, 2024. Member, Congressional Black Caucus, 2023-; Equality Caucus, 2023-; Bipartisan Historically Black Colleges and Universities Caucus, 2023-.

State's Attorney, Prince George's County, January 2003 to January 3, 2011. Member, State's Attorneys' Coordination Council, 2003-10. Executive Board, Center for American Politics and Citizenship, University of Maryland, College Park, 2003-10. Member, Vehicle Theft Prevention Council, 2003-11; Steering Committee, Bi-County Task Force on Gang Activity, 2004. Member, Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council, Prince George's County, 2004-10; State Board of Victim Services, 2008-09.

Assistant U.S. Attorney, District of Columbia, 1990-94. Counsel to U.S. Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee, 1994-95, and Whitewater Committee, 1995-97. Member, Task Force on Juvenile Justice Reform, 1996-97. Chief Counsel to U.S. Senator Tom Daschle of South Dakota, 1997-98. Senior legislative assisant to U.S. Representative John Conyers, Jr., of Michigan, 1987-88.

Chair, Public Service Commission, 1998-2000.

Member, Trial Courts Judicial Nominating Commission, 13th Commission District, Prince George's County, 2011-. Chair, Board of Directors, Maryland Legal Services Corporation, 2012-19. Member, Police Reform Work Group, Prince George's County, 2020 (chair, internal policies & county regulation subcommittee).

Born in Chelsea, Massachusetts, February 27, 1961. Princeton University, A.B. (politics), with honors, 1983; Harvard University Law School, J.D., 1986. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1987; District of Columbia Bar, 1988. Attorney. Litigation Department, Gordon, Feinblatt, Rothman, Hoffberger & Hollander, 1986-87. Associate, Preston, Gates, Ellis, & Rouvelas, 1989-90. Partner, Preston, Gates, Ellis, & Rouvelas, Meeds, 2000-03. Partner, Venable LLP, 2011-12. Partner, Leftwich & Ludaway, 2012-17. Of Counsel, Price Benowitz, LLP, 2017– 20. Partner, Ivey & Levetown, LLP, 2020 –.Member, Maryland State Bar Association (criminal law & practice section); Prince George's County Bar Association; J. Franklyn Bourne Bar Association. Board of Governors, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, 2001-. Delegate, Democratic Party National Convention, 2004. Member, Maryland State's Attorneys' Association; National Association of Black Prosecutors; Harvard Law School Association of Maryland; Princeton Alumni Schools Committee; Kiwanis Club of Mitchellville. Advisory Board, CeaseFire Maryland. Adjunct faculty, University of Maryland School of Law, 1995-2014. Adjunct teacher, Harvard Law School, 2013-21. Member, Cheverly United Methodist Church, Cheverly, Maryland. Married; six children.

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