[photo, John T. Bullock, City Council, Baltimore, Maryland] JOHN T. BULLOCK, Ph.D., Member, City Council (Democrat)

Member, City Council, Baltimore, representing District 9, since December 8, 2016. Chair, Education, Youth and Older Adults Committee, 2024-. Member, Public Health and Environment Committee, 2024-; Transportation and Land Use Committee, 2024-. Member, Judiciary and Legislative Investigations Committee, 2016-19. Chair, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee, 2016-20. Member, Education and Youth Committee, 2016-20; Judiciary Committee, 2019-20; Transportation Committee, 2019-20. Member, Economic and Community Development Committee, 2020-24; Education, Workforce and Youth Committee, 2020-24; Health, Environment and Technology Committee, 2020-24.

Member, Commission for Historical and Architectural Preservation, Baltimore City, 2016-; Baltimore Vacants Reinvestment Council, 2024-.

Congressional intern, U.S. House of Representatives, 1998.

Transportation Management Specialist, Transportation Policy and Planning Administration, District of Columbia, 2004-05. Capital City Fellow, District of Columbia, 2002-04.

Mayoral Fellow, Department of Housing and Community Development, Baltimore City, 2008. Member, Red Line Station Area Advisory Committee, West Baltimore MARC Station, 2010-12.

Assistant professor, Department of Political Science, Towson University, 2009-16.

Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 6, 1978. Hampton University, B.A. (political science), 2000; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, M.R.P. (city & regional planning), 2002; University of Maryland, College Park, Ph.D. (government & politics), 2009. Executive Director, Downtown Baltimore Family Alliance, 2013-15. Member, Executive Committee, Baltimore City NAACP, 2011-13; Baltimore City Democratic Central Committee, 2011-14. Board of Directors, Park Heights Community Health Alliance, 2011-. President, Evergreen Protective Association, 2012-14. Treasurer, Coppin Heights Community Development Corporation, 2012-. Board of Directors, Empowerment Academy, 2013-. Member, American Political Science Association; National Conference of Black Political Scientists; Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.; Prince Hall Masons. President, Parish Pastoral Council, St. Edward Catholic Church. 2010-13.

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