The Judicial Ethics Committee was initiated by the Executive Committee of the Maryland Judicial Conference (Maryland Rule 16-812.1). In July 2016, it was reconstituted as a body separate from the Conference, and directly under the Court of Appeals (Maryland Rule 18-302).Upon request from a State official of the Judicial Branch and in the context of a particular factual scenario, the Judicial Ethics Committee gives guidance by opinion or letter of advice, with respect to the application of the Maryland Code of Judicial Conduct, the Maryland Code of Conduct for Judicial Appointees, and Code, State Government Article, secs. 15-501 through 15-611
With regard to financial disclosure statements, the Committee reviews timely appeals from the State Court Administrator’s decision not to extend the period for filing. The Committee also determines whether to allow a judge or judicial appointee to correct a deficiency as to a financial disclosure statement or to refer the matter to the Commission on Judicial Disabilities (for a judge), or to the State Ethics Commission (for a judicial appointee).
To the Court of Appeals, the Committee submits recommendations for necessary or desirable changes in any ethics provision.
Thirteen members constitute the Committee. They are appointed by the Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals to three-year terms (Maryland Rule 18-302).
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