Chair (chosen by Governor): Harry Coker, Jr., Acting Secretary of Commerce

Appointed by Governor to 4-year terms: Kristin Kay Byerly, 2025; Col. George H. Lamont, 2025; Ellen D. Pfeiffer, 2025; Joseph T. (Tim) Arcano, Jr., Ph.D., 2026; Brig. Gen. Dean R. Ertwine (ret.), 2026; Monique A. Street, 2028.

[photo, World Trade Center Baltimore,
401 East Pratt St, Baltimore, Maryland] Appointed by Senate President: Mary-Dulany James; William C. Smith, Jr.; Stephen M. Waugh.

Appointed by House Speaker: Michael Colina; two vacancies.

Ex officio: Brig. Gen. Janeen L. Birckhead, Adjutant General; Harry Coker, Jr., Acting Secretary of Commerce; Serena C. McIlwain, Secretary of the Environment; Portia Y. Wu, Esq., Secretary of Labor; Rebecca L. Flora, Secretary of Planning; Paul J. Wiedefeld, Secretary of Transportation; Anthony C. Woods, Secretary of Veterans & Military Families; Carey M. Wright, Ed.D., State Superintendent of Schools; Dale L. Moore, Ed.D., President, Southern Maryland Navy Alliance; Michael S. Ray, President, Army Alliance; Robert Keane, President, Maritime Technology Alliance; Jennifer Staiger, Ph.D., President, Fort Detrick Alliance; M. H. (Jim) Estepp, President, Andrews Business & Community Alliance; Joseph V. Pacileo, President, Fort Meade Alliance; Stephen A. Mitchell, President, Military Alliance Council.

World Trade Center Baltimore, 401 East Pratt St., Baltimore, Maryland, August 2010. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.

Lisa A. Swoboda, Executive Director

c/o Office of Military & Federal Affairs, Department of Commerce
World Trade Center Baltimore, 10th floor
401 East Pratt St., Baltimore, MD 21202 - 3316
(410) 767-6077


The Maryland Military Installation Council originated as the Maryland Military Installation Strategic Planning Council established by the General Assembly in August 2003 (Chapter 335, Acts of 2003). Effective June 1, 2006, the Council was restructured as the Maryland Military Installation Council (Chapter 634, Acts of 2006); and in July 2024, its membership was reconstituted (Chapter 72, Acts of 2024).

For the development and expansion of the State's military installations, the Council works to identify what public infrastructure and community support are needed; and what the potential impact of that development and expansion will be on local communities. The Council also researches how other jurisdictions cope with increased development around military installations, and reviews State policies in order to best support the mission of the military installations and maximize economic benefits to local communities.

The Council continues the work of the Maryland Military Installation Strategic Planning Council, which submitted an interim report to the Governor and General Assembly in December 2003. That council ensured that Maryland was prepared for the Efficient Facilities Initiative of the U.S. Department of Defense, scheduled for 2005. The Initiative was a review process which resulted in closures of military bases across the United States. In May 2005, the U.S. Department of Defense published its recommendations for base closures and realignment of functions. The federal Base Realignment and Closure Commission reviewed those recommendations, reported in September 2005, and they became law in November 2005. Implementation of the recommendations were to be completed by 2011. As the recommendations were implemented, the State of Maryland gained approximately 15,000 jobs.

At least twenty-four members constitute the Council. Five are appointed by the Governor to four-year terms. Three are appointed by the Senate President, and three by the House Speaker. Thirteen serve ex officio. The Chair may appoint additional members (Chapter 15, Acts of 2010; Chapter 72, Acts of 2024; Code Economic Development Article, secs. 11-201 through 11-207).

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