Co-Chair: Ryan B. Moran, Dr.P.H., Acting Secretary of Health
Co-Chair: Jonathan N. Kromm, Ph.D., Executive Director, State Health Services Cost Review Commission

Appointed by Senate President: Mary L. Washington, Ph.D.

Appointed by House Speaker: Jamila J. Woods

Appointed by Secretary of Health with advice of State Health Services Cost Review Commission: Bryan Buckley, Dr.P.H.; Cynthia Calixte, M.D.; Elizabeth L. Chung; Laura Garcia; Darrell Gray II, M.D.; Melony G. Griffith; Anna Maria Izquierdo-Porrera, M.D., Ph.D.; G. Johnson Koilpillai, M.D.; Chanté Richardson, Ph.D.; Sara A. Seitz; Tiffany Wiggins, M.D.; three vacancies.

Representing Maryland Association of County Health Officers: Kisha N. Davis, M.D.

Ex officio: Leslie Ray, designee of Secretary of Aging; Kelsey H. Goering, designee of Secretary of Budget & Management; Tonya B. Wigfall, designee of Secretary of Commerce; Kirsten C. Bosak, designee of Secretary of Disabilities; Sylvia A. Lawson, Ph.D., designee of State Superintendent of Schools; Alyssa S. Lord, Deputy Secretary for Behavioral Health Administration; Ryan B. Moran, Dr.P.H., Deputy Secretary for Health Care Financing & Medicaid; Nilesh Kalyanaraman, M.D., Deputy Secretary for Public Health Services; Danielle Meister, designee of Secretary of Housing & Community Development; Richard Lichenstein, M.D., designee of Secretary of Human Services; Alfred P. Sundara, designee of Secretary of Planning; Marie L. Grant, J.D., Acting Maryland Insurance Commissioner; Mark A. Luckner, Executive Director, Maryland Community Health Resources Commission; Michael J. (Ben) Steffen, Executive Director, Maryland Health Care Commission; Camille Blake Fall, J.D., Executive Director, Office of Minority Health & Health Disparities.

[photo, 100 Community Place, Crownsville, Maryland] Staff: Marianne M. Gibson

c/o Opioid Operational Command Center
100 Community Place, Crownsville, MD 21032
(443) 381-4377

100 Community Place, Crownsville, Maryland, July 2016. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.

Interim Report to Governor, Senate Budget & Taxation Committee, Senate Finance Committee, House Appropriations Committee, & House Health & Government Operations Committee due Dec. 1, 2023 & Dec. 1, 2024 (Chapter 749, Acts of 2021; Chapter 787, Acts of 2024; Code Health-General, sec. 13–5107).

Final Report to Governor, Senate Budget & Taxation Committee, Senate Finance Committee, House Appropriations Committee, & House Health & Government Operations Committee due Dec. 1, 2025 (Chapter 749, Acts of 2021; Chapter 787, Acts of 2024; Code Health-General Article, sec. 13–5107).

The Maryland Commission on Health Equity was authorized by the General Assembly in October 2021 (Chapter 749, Acts of 2021; Code Health-General Article, secs. 13–4301 through 13–4306). 

Using a health equity framework, the Commission examines the health of Maryland residents; and ways for State and local governments to collaborate in implementing policies that affect their health. The Commission also considers factors affecting health, such as access to safe and affordable housing; education; employment; economic stability; inclusion, diversity, and equity in the workplace; mobility and access to transportation; social justice; the environment; public safety; and food insecurity.

The Commission advises the Secretary of Health and through the Secretary the senior administrators and planners in the Maryland Department of Health on issues of racial, ethnic, cultural or socioeconomic health disparities; facilitates coordination of State agencies in developing a comprehensive health equity plan that addresses the social determinants of health; sets goals for health equity; and is to prepare a plan for the State to achieve health equity.

Forty-four members constitute the Commission. One member is appointed by the Senate President, and one by the House Speaker. Fourteen members are appointed by the Secretary of Health. A local health officer represents the Maryland Association of County Health Officers. Twenty-seven members serve ex officio. The Secretary of Health and the Executive Director of the State Health Services Cost Review Commission co-chair the Commission (Chapter 787, Acts of 2024; Code Health-General Article, sec. 13–4303).

Authorization for the Commission ends June 30, 2026 (Chapter 787, Acts of 2024; Code Health-General Article, sec. 13–5107).


Appointed by Chair, Maryland Commission on Health Equity:
Betsy Baker; Orville Browne, Th.D.; Rev. Dr. Sandra Conner; Leeshe Grimes, Ph.D.; Gabriela D Lemus, Ph.D.; Djinge Lindsay; Brian C. Simms; Kim Sydnor, Ph.D.; Hoai-An Truong, Pharm.D.; Toni Lynn Thompson-Chittams, M.D. Terms expire 2024.

Michelle Briggs Blanc; Michelle Boulden-Hammond; Meenakshi G Brewster, M.D.; Dimitrios Cavathas; Darrell Gaskin, Ph.D.; Michael Planz; Eleanor Preston; Donald Shell, M.D. Terms expire 2026.

In Jan. 2022, Health Equity Policy Committee was created by Maryland Commission on Health Equity.

Committee advised Maryland Commission on Health Equity on employing a health equity framework to address and eliminate health disparities.

Disbanded by Oct. 2024.

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