c/o Maryland Department of Labor
1100 North Eutaw St., Room 616, Baltimore, MD 21201
(410) 767-2408; 1-866-408-5487 (toll free); fax: (410) 383-6732
web: www.gwdb.maryland.gov
1100 North Eutaw St., Baltimore, Maryland,
April 2001. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
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John D. Barber, Jr.; Michelle Anne Bell-Smith; Matthew R. Holloway; Lawrence H. Letow; Col. (ret.) Edward C. Rothstein; Martin Schwartz; Charles T. Wetherington; Charnetia V. Young. Terms expire 2025.
Albert Ferris Allen III; Marco V. Avila; Donald K. Boyd, Jr.; Brian S. Cavey; Steven Wayne Groenke; Kevin D. Heffner; Stacey A. Herman; Kirkland J. Murray; Myra W. Norton; Jennifer Woods. Terms expire 2026.
Alexander K. Austin; Calvin B. Ball III, Ed.D.; Annesa Payne Cheek, Ed.D.; Delali Dzirasa; Donna S. Edwards; Mackenzie R. Garvin; Roderick K. King, M.D.; Robert M. Limpert; Aminah J. Long; Jessica B. Mente; Stephen W. Neal; Brian Stamper; Inez Stewart; Teaera R. Strum. Terms expire 2027.
Judy Lee Boone, 2028.
Appointed by Senate President: Joanne C. Benson
Appointed by House Speaker: Vanessa E. Atterbeary
Ex officio: Wes Moore, Governor; Harry Coker, Jr., Secretary of Commerce; Portia Y. Wu, Esq., Secretary of Labor; Carey M. Wright, Ed.D., State Superintendent of Schools; Sanjay K. Rai, Ph.D., Secretary of Higher Education; Kirkland J. Murray, President, Maryland Workforce Association.
Ex officio (nonvoting): Carmel Roques, Secretary of Aging; Carol A. Beatty, Secretary of Disabilities; Ryan B. Moran, Dr.P.H., Acting Secretary of Health; Jacob R. Day, Secretary of Housing & Community Development; Rafael J. Lopez, Secretary of Human Services; Vincent N. Schiraldi, Secretary of Juvenile Services; Carolyn J. Scruggs, Secretary of Public Safety & Correctional Services; D. Paul Monteiro, Jr., J.D., Secretary of Service & Civic Innovation; Paul J. Wiedefeld, Secretary of Transportation; Anthony C. Woods, Secretary of Veterans & Military Families.
Appointed by Chair, Governor's Workforce Development Board:
Carim V. Khouzami, Chair
Calvin B. Ball III, Ed.D.; Harry Coker, Jr.; Delali Dzirasa; Jessica Mente; Myra W. Norton; Martin Schwartz; Inez Stewart; Teaera Strum; Carey M. Wright, Ed.D.; Portia Y. Wu, Esq.; Sanjay K. Rai, Ph.D.
Rachael Stephens Parker, Executive Director (410) 767-2131
e-mail: rachael.parker@maryland.gov
Molly Mesnard, Senior Advisor (410) 767-3271
e-mail: molly.mesnard@maryland.gov
Appointed by Governor, Senate President, & House Speaker: Brian S. Cavey; Matthew R. Holloway; Robert Mi. Limpert; Michael D. Thomas; Charnetia V. Young.
Ex officio: Harry Coker, Jr., Acting Secretary of Commerce; Portia Y. Wu, Esq., Secretary of Labor; Carey M. Wright, Ed.D., State Superintendent of Schools; Sanjay K. Rai, Ph.D., Secretary of Higher Education.
John Strickland, Career & Technical Education Expert Review Team Member (443) 934-6546
e-mail: john.strickland@maryland.gov
Vacancy, Program Manager
Vacancy, Senior Policy Analyst
Vacancy, Research Data Analyst
Shuana Davis, Deputy Director (410) 767-8604; e-mail: shuana.davis@maryland.gov
Ashley Baldwin, Program Manager (410) 767-2905; e-mail: ashley.baldwin@maryland.gov
Vacancy, Manager, Workforce Innovations
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