David C. Wheatley, Chair (chosen by Executive Board)

Appointed by Secretary of Commerce: Christopher R. Cosgrove; Harry McArthur; David C. Wheatley.

Appointed by Executive Director, Governor's Workforce Development Board: one vacancy

Appointed by Chair, Maryland Advisory Commission on Manufacturing Competitiveness: one vacancy

Appointed by Executive Director, Army Alliance: Jill McClune, J.D.

Appointed by Executive Director, Northeastern Maryland Technology Council: Michael A. Parker

Appointed by Executive Director, Susquehanna Workforce Network: Bruce A. England

Appointed by Director: Sean Wise, Repliform; Art Marriott, Northrop Grumman; J. Thomas Sadowski, University of Maryland System

Ex officio: Harry Coker, Jr., Secretary of Commerce; John D. Desmone, designee of President, Towson University; Mark Schlein, designee of Commanding General, Aberdeen Proving Ground; Michael A. Galiazzo, Ph.D., Director, Regional Manufacturing Institute.

Ex officio, Cecil County: vacancy, designee of County Executive; Nicole Parr, designee of Superintendent of Schools; Mary Way Bolt, Ed.D., President, Cecil College; Morgan Miller, Director, County Public Library.

Ex officio, Harford County: vacancy, designee of County Executive; Robert M. Limpert, designee of Superintendent of Schools; Kelly Koermer, designee of President, Harford Community College; Mary L. Hastler, Director, County Public Library.

Ex officio (nonvoting): Richard W. Decker II, Executive Director, Regional Advanced Manufacturing Partnership of Maryland

Richard W. (Rick) Decker II, Executive Director

2021 Pulaski Highway, Suite D, Havre de Grace, MD 21078
(410) 638-3059

The Regional Advanced Manufacturing Partnership of Maryland originated as the Northeastern Maryland Additive Manufacturing Innovation Authority, an independent agency of State government established by the General Assembly in June 2014 (Chapters 571, Acts of 2014). In July 2016, the Authority reformed as the Regional Additive Manufacturing Partnership of Maryland (Chapter 444, Acts of 2016). It was renamed the Regional Advanced Manufacturing Partnership of Maryland in July 2024 (Chapter 470, Acts of 2024).

The Partnership's charge is to move Maryland forward as a leader in advanced manufacturing. Through collaboration among business, government, educational institutions, entrepreneurs, and innovators, and by building upon existing advanced manufacturing investment and expertise in the Northeast region, the Partnership strives to foster economic development in Cecil County and Harford County.

An Executive Board manages the Partnership. The Executive Board consists of at least twenty-three voting members. Twelve are appointed to four-year terms, and twelve serve ex officio. Each organization in Maryland that is focused on advanced manufacturing and is interested in collaborating with the Partnership may appoint a representative to the Executive Board. The Board selects the Chair and names the Executive Director (Code Economic Development Article, sec. 13-1203).

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