[photo, Jeannie Haddaway-Riccio, Maryland Secretary of Natural Resources] JEANNIE HADDAWAY-RICCIO
Secretary of Natural Resources, 2019-23

Secretary of Natural Resources, March 8, 2019 to January 10, 2023. Acting Secretary of Natural Resources, February 4 to March 8, 2019.

Chair, Governor's Council on the Chesapeake Bay (Governor's Chesapeake Bay Cabinet), 2022-23. Member, Governor's Executive Council, 2019-23; Smart Growth Subcabinet, 2019-23. Chair, Cliff Erosion Steering Committee, 2019-23; Coast Smart Council, 2019-23; Rural Legacy Board, 2019-23; Scenic and Wild Rivers Review Board, 2019-23. Co-Chair, Executive Committee for Dredged Material Management Plans, 2019-23; Project Green Classrooms Initiative, 2019-23; Maryland Outdoor Recreation Economic Commission, 2019.

Board of Directors, Maryland Agricultural and Resource-Based Industry Development Corporation, 2019-23. Member, Maryland Sustainable Growth Commission, 2019-20; Governor's Intergovernmental Commission for Agriculture, 2019-23; Maryland Agricultural Education and Rural Development Assistance Board, 2019-23; Animal Waste Technology Fund Advisory Committee, 2019-23; Bay Restoration Fund Advisory Committee, 2019-23; Chesapeake Bay Commission, 2019-23; Chesapeake Bay Trust, 2019-23; Commission on Climate Change, 2019-23; Critical Area Commission for the Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays, 2019-23; Deep Creek Lake Policy and Review Board, 2019-23; Maryland Green Building Council, 2019-23; Maryland Green Purchasing Committee, 2019-23; Maryland Heritage Areas Authority, 2019-23; Statewide Interoperability Executive Committee, 2019-23; Invasive Plants Advisory Committee, 2019-23; Council on Open Data, 2019-23; Patuxent River Commission, 2019-23; Pesticide Advisory Committee, 2019-23; Potomac River Fisheries Commission, 2019-23; Rural Maryland Council, 2019-23; Seafood Marketing Advisory Committee, 2019-23; Interdepartmental Advisory Committee on Small, Minority, and Women Business Affairs, 2019-23; State Soil Conservation Committee, 2019-23; Transportation Enhancements Program Executive Committee, 2019-23; State Transparency and Accountability Reform Commission, 2020-21; Maryland Efficient Grant Application Council, 2020-23. Chair, Task Force on Fishing License Penalties, 2020-23. Member, Historic St. Mary’s City Fort to 400 Commission, 2021-23; Commission for the Innovation & Advancement of Carbon Markets & Sustainable Tree Plantings, 2021-23; Maryland Semiquincentennial Commission, 2021-23.

Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of Governor, January 5, 2016 to February 4, 2019. Responsible for oversight of departments of Agriculture; Environment; Information Technology; Labor, Licensing, and Regulation; Natural Resources; and Planning; as well as State Department of Assessments and Taxation, Maryland Energy Administration, Maryland Environmental Service, Maryland Insurance Administration, State Lottery and Gaming Control Agency, and Public Service Commission.

Director of Intergovernmental Affairs, Office of Governor, 2015-16.

Member of House of Delegates (Republican), representing District 37B, Caroline, Dorchester, Talbot & Wicomico Counties, August 19, 2003 to January 14, 2015. Member, Economic Matters Committee, 2003-15 (unemployment insurance subcommittee, 2004-06; workers' compensation subcommittee, 2004-06; corporations work group, 2005-06; business regulation subcommittee, 2007-15; consumer regulation & commercial law subcommittee, 2007-10; public utilities subcommittee, 2007-15; deathcare industry work group, 2007-10; property & casualty insurance subcommittee, 2011-15); Joint Committee on Federal Relations, 2007-15; Legislative Policy Committee, 2011-15; Joint Committee on Unemployment Insurance Oversight, 2011-15. Member, Joint Committee on the Selection of the State Treasurer, 2011; Rules and Executive Nominations Committee, 2011-14. Minority Whip, 2011-13 (assistant minority whip, 2005-10). House Chair, Talbot County Delegation, 2003-15. Treasurer, Eastern Shore Delegation, 2003-15. Member, Maryland Rural Caucus, 2003-15; Maryland Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus, 2003-15; Maryland Veterans Caucus, 2003-15; Women Legislators of Maryland, 2003-15 (co-chair, legislative committee, 2006; executive board, 2007-15; secretary, 2008-09; 2nd vice-president, 2009-10; 1st vice-president, 2010-11; president-elect, 2011).

Advisory Board, Institute for Public Affairs and Civic Engagement, Salisbury University, 2002-15. Member, Mid-Shore Regional Council, 2003- (executive board, 2013, 2015-); Tri-County Council for the Lower Eastern Shore of Maryland, 2003-15; Task Force on the Status of Women and Information Technology, 2004-07; Task Force on Lending Equity within Financial Institutions Providing State Depository Services, 2005; Task Force on Renewable Alternative Fuels, 2007; Eastern Shore Task Force on Foster Care, 2007-08. Executive Board, Rural Maryland Council, 2007-15. Member, Coastal Bays Aquaculture Development Work Group, 2008; Task Force to Study Maryland Insurance of Last-Resort Programs, 2012-14; Task Force to Study Licensing and Continuing Education Requirements for Electricians, 2013-14; Governor-elect's Transition Team, 2014-15.

Born in Easton, Maryland, April 30, 1977. Raised in Neavitt, Maryland. Attended St. Michaels High School, St. Michaels, Maryland; Salisbury University, B.A. (political science), 1999. Vice-President of University Affairs (elected position), Salisbury University, 1998-99. Administrative assistant, Department of the Environment, 1999-2000 (public affairs specialist, 1999). Development Officer, Maryland-DC Office, National Audubon Society, 2001-03 (development associate, 2000-01). Owner, Dragonfly Designs, LLC., a graphic and web-design company. Principal, R&R Solutions, 2024-. Member, Talbot County Republican Central Committee, 2002- (vice-chair); Mid-Shore League of Republican Women; Republicans for Environmental Protection. Founder and past president, Mid-Shore Young Republicans. Delegate, Republican Party National Convention, 2012. Board of Directors, St. Michael's Community Center, 2005-; Talbot Historical Society. Founding member, Delmarva Planned Giving Council. Member, Caroline Chamber of Commerce; Dorchester Chamber of Commerce; Talbot County Chamber of Commerce; Talbot County Young Professionals; Leave A Legacy Delmarva; Rotaract of Easton. Former regional coordinator, World Institute for Peace and Development, Washington, DC. Character Counts! Coach, Talbot County, 2008. Member, Church of God, Easton, Maryland (volunteer, visitation program for the elderly; assistant teacher, high school class, sunday school). Married.

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