Appointed by House Speaker:
Rudolph C. Cane
A. Wade Kach
Brian K. McHale
James E. Malone, Jr.
Doyle L. Niemann
Cathleen M. Vitale
Ex officio: Deandra W. Daly, Esq., Ethics Counsel to General Assembly
Staff: Stacy M. Goodman; Theodore E. King; T. Patrick Tracy.
c/o Department of Legislative Services
Legislative Services Building, 90 State Circle, Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 946-5350, (301) 970-5350
In December 2012, the Work Group to Review Disclosure Requirements of the Public Ethics Law was convened by the Senate President and House Speaker (Chapter 620, Acts of 2012).
The Work Group conducted a comprehensive review of the disclosure requirments of the Maryland Public Ethics Law, specifically as it applies to State and local governments.
Current methods for citizens to access public ethics disclosures and any alternatives to make such access easier were considered by the Work Group. Options for notifying persons who have been the subject of a public ethics law disclosure were reviewed. The feasibility of linking the required level of public ethics disclosure to a person's position of authority and policy-making duties was examined, as well as what information currently is required to be disclosed, and whether more or less information should be required.
For counties and municipal corporations, the Work Group considered how they are impacted by current and proposed disclosure requirements. The Work Group also reviewed the composition, duties, and procedures of the Joint Committee on Legislative Ethics.
During the 2013 legislative session, the Work Group proposed legislation that was introduced as Senate Bill 1065 and House Bill 1397. Neither bill passed.
Authorization for the Work Group extended through May 31, 2013.
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