[photo, Frank S. Turner, Maryland State Delegate] FRANK SEATON TURNER (1947-2025)
Democrat, District 13, Howard County

Member of House of Delegates, representing District 13, Howard County, January 11, 1995 to January 9, 2019. Member, Judiciary Committee, 1995-98 (gaming [gambling] law & regulation subcommittee); Appropriations Committee, 1999-2006 (oversight committee on program open space & agricultural land preservation, 1999-2002; chair, oversight committee on personnel, 2004-06 (member, 1999-2006); capital budget subcommittee, 2002-06; vice-chair, education & economic development subcommittee, 2002-06, acting chair, 2005; juvenile justice work group, 2005). Member, Joint Committee on Investigation, 1995-2004; Joint Committee on the Selection of the State Treasurer, 2003; Special Committee on Higher Education Affordability and Accessibility, 2003-04. Vice-Chair, Ways and Means Committee, 2013-19, member, 2007-19 (chair, election law subcommittee, 2015-17; chair, vice-chair's subcommittee, 2013-16, member, 2007-19; chair, finance resources subcommittee, 2007-12). Member, Rules and Executive Nominations Committee, 2014-19. House Chair, Joint Committee on Gaming Oversight, 2017-19. House Chair, Howard County Delegation, 2001-04, 2015-16. Member, Legislative Black Caucus of Maryland (formerly Maryland Legislative Black Caucus), 1995-2019 (judicial nominating committee, 2000-19, redistricting committee, 2000-19); Maryland Green Caucus, 1996-2019.

Member, Task Force on Youth Citizenship and Violence Prevention of Cabinet Council on Criminal and Juvenile Justice, 1995-96; Study Panel on Funding Needs of Trauma Centers, 2001-03; State Planning Committee for Higher Education, 2004; Work Group to Consider Gaming Expansion, 2012.

Member, Board of Community College Trustees, Howard Community College, 2019-25; Sports Wagering Application Review Commission, 2021-25.

Member, Industrial Development Authority, Howard County, 1984. Member, Explosives Advisory Council, 1984-89. Special Assistant (small business) to U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski, 1987-93. Judge, Orphans' Court, Howard County, 1990.

Administrative aide to North Carolina Governor Dan K. Moore, 1968.

Born in Mt. Pleasant, New York, July 6, 1947. North Carolina College at Durham, B.A. (social science), 1968; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Law; North Carolina Central University School of Law, J.D., 1973. Professor Emeritus (business law & legal environment), Earl G. Graves School of Business and Management, Morgan State University (associate professor, 1974-2015). Deputy campaign manager for U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski, 1986. Member, American Business Law Association. Educator of the Year, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, 1991. Recognition of high scholastic achievement, Sigma Beta Delta, 1994. Outstanding Legislative Leadership Award, Association of Retarded Citizens of Maryland, 1996. Award, National Black Women's Consciousness-Raising Association, 1996. Adoption Visionary Award, Department of Human Resources, 1999. Achievement Award, Association of Retarded Citizens of Howard County, 2000. Distinguished Legislator Award, University of Maryland University College Alumni Association, 2000; Environmental Leadership Award, Maryland League of Conservation Voters, 2000. Conservationist of the Year Award, Audubon Society of Central Maryland, 2001. Certificate of Appreciation, Howard County Center of African-American Culture, Inc., 2001. Legislative Appreciation Award, Maryland Association of Community Services, 2002. Citizen of the Year Award, Tau Pi Chapter, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., 2003. Senator James Clark, Jr. Award for distinguished public service, Howard County Democratic Central Committee, 2004. Outstanding Conservationist, Audubon Society of Central Maryland, 2004. Appreciation Award, Maryland Classified Employees Association, 2005. Distinguished Legislative Service Award, National Federation of the Blind, 2014. Freedom Fighter Award, Howard County Chapter, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 2016. Casper R. Taylor, Jr. Founder's Award, House of Delegates, 2018. Governor's Distinguished Public Service Award, 2018. Legislative Service Award, Legislative Black Caucus of Maryland, 2018. Legacy of Service Award, Howard Community College, 2018. Married; five children; three grandchildren. Died in Columbia, Maryland, February 14, 2025.

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