[photo, C. Anthony Muse, Maryland State Senator] C. ANTHONY MUSE
Democrat, District 26, Prince George's County

James Senate Office Building, Room 220
11 Bladen St., Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 841-3092
1-800-492-7122, ext. 3092 (toll free)

Member of Senate, January 10, 2007 to January 9, 2019, and since January 11, 2023. Member, Judicial Proceedings Committee, 2007-10, 2013-19, 2023-; Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive and Legislative Review, 2023-; Joint Committee on Federal Relations, 2023-. Vice-Chair, Executive Nominations Committee, 2025- (member, 2023-). Vice-Chair, Rules Committee, 2023-24. Member, Legislative Black Caucus of Maryland, 2023-.

Member, State Council on Child Abuse and Neglect, 2023-.

Member, Joint Committee on Children, Youth, and Families, 2007-10; Joint Committee on Health Care Delivery and Financing, 2007-14; Finance Committee, 2011-12. Senate Chair, Joint Committee on Fair Practices and State Personnel Oversight, 2011-19. Member, Prince George's County Delegation, 2007-19 (chair, 2008-09). Member, Legislative Black Caucus of Maryland, 2007-19. Member, National Conference of State Legislatures (human services & welfare committee, 2007-10; communications, financial services & interstate commerce committee, 2010-19).

Member, Task Force to Study Rent Stabilization for the Elderly in Prince George's County, 2007; Task Force to Study Group-Home Education and Placement Practices, 2007-08; Task Force to Study Thoroughbred Horse Racing at Rosecroft Raceway, 2008; Task Force to Study Locations in Prince George's County Best Suited for Use by State Agencies, 2008-09. Co-Chair, Task Force to Study How to Improve Financial Literacy in the State, 2008-10. Member, Maryland Medicaid Advisory Committee, 2008-15; [Secretary of State Police] Superintendent's Council of Advisors on Diversity and Inclusion, 2012-19; Task Force to Study Temporary Disability Insurance Programs and the Process for Assisting Individuals with Disabilities at Local Departments of Social Services, 2013-14; Work Group on Cancer Clusters and Environmental Causes of Cancer, 2013-14; Prince George's County Juvenile Court and School Safety Work Group, 2013-14; State Council on Cancer Control, 2013-19; Local [Video Lottery] Development Council, Prince George's County, 2015-19. Chair, Neshante and Chloe Davis Domestic Violence Prevention Task Force, 2016-17; Task Force to Study the Restraint, Searches, and Needs of Children in the Juvenile Justice System, 2016-17. Member, Task Force to Investigate the Challenges of and Opportunities for Minorities in Business, 2016-18.

Member of House of Delegates, representing District 26, Prince George's County, January 11, 1995 to January 13, 1999. Member, Ways and Means Committee, 1995-99 (transportation subcommittee). Member, Task Force to Study County Property-Tax Setoffs and Related Fiscal Issues, 1997. Chaplain, Maryland Legislative Black Caucus, 1995-99. Member, Bi-County Affairs Committee, Prince George's County Delegation.

Member, Task Force to Examine the State's Cemetery and Funeral Industry, 1996. Co-Chair, Task Force on the Education of Homeless Children and Youth in Maryland, 1997-99.

Past member, Foster Care Review Board, Prince George's County; Teacher Advisory Council, Baltimore City.

Member, State Ethics Commission, 1987-92. Member, Governor-elect's Transition Team, 2002-03.

Born in Baltimore, Maryland, April 17, 1958. Morgan State University, B.A. (history), 1981; Wesley Theological Seminary, M.Div., 1984; Howard University, Doctor of Ministry, Church and Community Development, 1991. Founder and Senior Pastor, Ark of Safety Christian Church, Upper Marlboro. Former Senior Pastor, Gibbons United Methodist Church, Brandywine. Former pastor, Mt. Zion United Methodist Church, Ellicott City; Mt. Olivet United Methodist Church, Catonsville. Youth Program Coordinator, Washington East District, Baltimore-Washington Area Methodist Conference. Teacher and lecturer, United Methodist School of Christian Growth. Member, South County Economic Development Association; Clergy United. Board of Directors, American Red Cross; Greater Southeast Community Hospital; Prince George's Community Ministries (past president). Past President, Southern Maryland Ministers' Alliance. Executive Board, Southern Maryland Area Self Help. Former member, Advisory Committee, Wesley Theological Seminary. Past participant, Aftercare Program, Prince George's County Corrections Department. Past chaplain, Howard County Police Department. E. Stanley Jones Award. Outstanding Citizen Award, Baltimore County Chapter, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Community Service Award, Howard County Council. Community Service Award, Baltimore County Executive. Outstanding Young Men of America, Jaycees (twice a recipient). Married.

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