These resources include digital publications, special collections, and image collections from the holdings of the Maryland State Archives.
- Link
- Description
African American
- Individual biographical files of African Americans in Maryland
- Individual biographical files of Artists in Maryland
Legacy of Slavery Case Studies
- Summary of available runaway adds and published material on an individual with a connection to slavery. They also include United States Colored Troops, Slavery & the War of 1812, Maryland State Colonization Society, Judge Lynch's Court, Blacks in Annapolis and Belair at Bowie
Maryland Government
- Historical List, Sources of Constitutional, Legislative, Legal & Administrative History
School Teachers
- School teachers of early Maryland
Soldiers and Sailors
- Individual biographies of Soldiers & Sailors in Maryland
St. Mary's County Career Files
- Dr. Lois Green Carr, distinguished historian and preeminent authority on life in 17th and 18th century Maryland, secured a grant from The Society of the Ark and the Dove to make her research notes accessible.
Women in Maryland
- Individual biographies of women in Maryland
Women Judges in Maryland
- Individual biographies of women judges in Maryland
- Miscellaneous biographies of Marylanders
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