Hall of Records Commission
Minutes of Meeting 
at the Maryland State Archives
Electronic Classroom
12:00 pm, November 5, 2007


Call to Order by the Chairman

The fall meeting of the Hall of Records Commission began at 12:42 pm, November 5, 2007, at the Maryland State Archives, with Chief Judge Robert M. Bell presiding.
Attendees and Introduction of Special Guests
  • Chief Judge Bell welcomed the following individuals to their first Hall of Records Commission Meeting:
  • Secretary Alvin Collins, Department of General Services
  • Ms. Maggie Melson, Special Assistant to the President, representing Mr. Christopher B. Nelson, President, St. John's College
  • Special Announcements/Opening Remarks

    In trying to hold meetings on days of significance to Maryland history, Dr. Papenfuse reminded the Commission and meeting attendees of the importance of November 5.  According to some researchers, on November 5, 1781, John Hanson became the third President of the United States in Congress Assembled.  There are some who argue he was the first because he was the first after the Battle of Yorktown which in fact ended the Revolution.  But, in truth, he was the third.  More importantly, his election to the highest office under the Articles of Confederation at a point at which the United States had defeated the British at Yorktown and had begun to negotiate for its place as a nation among nations, symbolizes the strong stand that Maryland took with regard to the future admission of new States to the Union.  It set the groundwork for the Land Ordinance of 1785 and the Northwest Ordinance of 1787, all of which set the precedent for how new States were brought in to the nation.  Even though the controversy still rages as to what status should be attributed to John Hanson in the pantheon of the Presidency, the Commission paused to pay tribute to John Hanson and the role Maryland played in forging the future of the Union.  See John Hanson and Accident, Maryland.

    Reports and Minutes of Previous Meetings

    September 10:  Ed Papenfuse, Elaine Bachmann, and Chris Kintzel attended an Unveiling Ceremony of the picture gallery honoring Lieutenant Governors of the State of Maryland

    Records Retention and Disposal

    Old Business

    Archivist's Report and Staff Activities
     (see the Maryland State Archives' Bulldog and the Staff Activities since last Hall of Records Commission meeting for additional details)

    Recent Gifts, Deposits and Acquisitions
    Secretary Collins offered a Resolution of Appreciation for the recent gifts, seconded by Dr. Ridgway and unanimously approved, the Chairman concurring.
    Maryland State Archives On Line Education and Outreach Forthcoming special meetings of the Commission and events of interest Administrative and Fiscal Matters Secretary Collins offered a motion of approval for the reports, seconded by Ms. Melson and unanimously approved, the Chairman concurring.

    New Business

    Next Meeting

    The next Hall of Records Commission meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 28, 2008.


    There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 1:35 pm.
    Approved by the Hall of Records Commission, April 28, 2008.

                                                The Honorable Robert M. Bell, Chairman

                                                Edward C. Papenfuse, Jr., Secretary

    Dr. Edward C. Papenfuse
    State Archivist
    Maryland State Archives
    350 Rowe Boulevard
    (410) 260-6401

    Email: edp@mdarchives.state.md.us

    © Copyright Maryland State Archives