The World Turned Upside Down:
Children and Soldiers of the American Revolution

Supplementary materials for teachers
prepared by
Dr. Edward C. Papenfuse, Jr.,
June 23, 2006

Please consult the readme.txt for usage requirements and restrictions. The Adobe Acrobat Reader, available free on the web, is required to read the documents on this cd and the most recent version of I.E. is recommended for viewing htmls on the cd and the web.  Version 6.0 of Adobe Acrobat Reader is provided on this CD, but users are advised to install the most recent bug-free version available on the web.

I. Introduction:

Using web-based resources:
Wikipedia with Caution (read article by Roy Rosenzweig entitled Can History Be Open Source? Wikipedia and the Future of the Past,  in the Journal of American History, June 2006, pp. 117-146)

Wikipedia article on the Peggy Stewart

The World Turned Upside Down

music (web:; pdf) [midi file]
(  [pdf version]
( [pdf version]

II. The materials on this CD are meant to be supplementary to and consist of suggested materials for extending the materials provided on the Documents for the Classroom site of the Maryland State Archives relating to the Revolutionary War, including The Burning of the Peggy Stewart. Included are:

1) a packet of documents introducing the Sands family of Annapolis and their role in the American Revolution at the Maryland State Archives.

2) a packet of documents and reading material based upon the book The World turned Upside Down  Children of 1776, by Ann Jensen, available from  Tidewater Publishers, Centreville Maryland, 21617. (in using these materials in the classroom, purchase of the most current edition of The World Turned Upside Down is required).

3) a packet of materials relating to the African American Soldier in the American Revolution taken from Benjamin Quarles, The Negro in the American Revolution, and  other sources [Note: go to page 33 in the pdf]

Please be sure to read the readme.txt file for conditions of use of this CD