Command Line Parameters

When Wilbur is started normally from a short cut icon without any parameters, it opens the last index used and presents the user with a search dialog.  It is possible to change this behaviour by having additional parameters after the wilbur executable path in the shortcut properties or when launching Wilbur from the command line in a command prompt window.

The general form for this is:

[path]wilbur.exe [-parameter(s)] [index] [search term]

Where all the items in square brackets are optional.



Normally if you try to run Wilbur while a copy is already running, you are simply switched to the copy already running.  If the '-2' parameter is present, then a second independent copy of Wilbur is created.  This parameter can be used with other options, but if so it must always be first on the command line.


This parameter causes Wilbur to open the designated index, rebuild it, save it and then shutdown.  It must be followed by a path name to an index (a .WIL file) but there should not be a search term.

While Wilbur's companion utility program provides scheduled builds and updates, some users may instead prefer to use this parameter with the system task scheduler or another scheduling program to launch Wilbur and rebuild indexes at predetermined times. It could also be used if you want to use an icon to launch a build.

For example to build and save the index an index:

wilbur -b c:\indexes\text.wil


This parameter works the same way as the -b parameter described above, but only updates the index rather than rebuilding it.

If Wilbur finds a file name on it’s command line when it starts up, it will automatically open that file as an index. This is standard behavior for Windows programs and is necessary so that double clicking on an index works correctly.


The index parameter is simply the path name of the index that wilbur is to open. For example:

  c:\Program Files\RedTree\Wilbur\indexes\admin.wil

This parameter is required with all other options except the -2 parameter.

Search Term

If you follow the index name with a space and a search phrase, Wilbur will start and automatically bring up the search dialog with that phrase filled in. This makes it easy to construct a simple word processor macro which will automatically launch Wilbur and search for the word under the cursor when an assigned hot key is pressed. (MS Word Example).

If you want to skip the dialog box and proceed directly to the results of the search, enter a -s before the search term.  For instance:

  wilbur indexes\text.wil -s redtree

A similar procedure can be used in a programming development environment to search sample files etc.

Other Examples:

Same as above, but start a second copy of Wilbur if it is already running:

wilbur -2 indexes\text.wil -s redtree

To start wilbur and have it open the search dialog with redtree already filled in:

wilbur indexes\text.wil redtree

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