Word Macro Example

The following macro, suitably modified for your path names, can be used to launch Wilbur and search for the text under the cursor:


Shell "g:\wilbur\WinRel\wilbur.exe " +
 "d:\wilbur\text.wilbur " + Selection$()

SendKeys "{enter}"

End Sub

or if you have spaces in your path names you will need the more complicated form:



Shell Chr$(34) + "g:\wilbur\\wilbur.exe" +
  Chr$(34) + " " +
  "'d:\wilbur\text.wilbur' " +

SendKeys "{enter}"

End Sub

Please be careful to get the spaces after the path names included correctly and don't include the line breaks after the '+' signs. If you are running Word 97, please add "WordBasic." in front of the SelectCurWord, Shell, Selection$ and SendKeys commands. (e.g. WordBasic.SelectCurWord)

Use the Tools/Macro command to create the macro and give it a name like Wilbur. Then use the Tools/Customize command to assign a hot key (Ctrl+Alt+W perhaps) to the macro and you are in business.

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