Archives of Maryland
(Biographical Series)
Thomas Moore (1760-1822)
MSA SC 3520-15918
Born in 1760 in Trenton, New
Jersey. Son of Thomas Moore
Sr. (1730-1799) and
Elizabeth Moore. Four Siblings: Amy Moore (Taylor), Asa
Moore, James Moore, Ann Moore (McCormick).
Married Mary Brooke (July 27, 1760 - July 6, 1840) on September 21,
1791. Four Children: Mary
Moore Jr. (b. July 8, 1794); Asa Moore (b. April 25, 1797); Ann Moore
November 17, 1799); Caleb Moore (b. April 26, 1802). Died October 22,
1822 in Brookeville,
Thomas Moore Jr. was a farmer, inventor, entrepreneur,
surveyor, and engineer
who worked on several significant public works projects and contributed
to the
development of better agricultural methods in the years of the early
Republic. Moore
lived in Brookeville,
Maryland, a town
outside of Washington
and worked closely with the leading national political figures of his
including Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and John Mason. The
respect and
patronage that Moore
earned from influential statesmen placed him in high positions,
particularly as
Chief Engineer for the Virginia Board of Public Works, an office that
he held
from 1818 until his death. However, Moore's
professional skills were largely self-taught and he demonstrated
deficiencies that led to criticism from his contemporaries, notably
Henry Latrobe. Today, Moore
is best remembered for inventing an icebox for which he became the
first to
bestow the name refrigerator.
grandfather, James Moore was a Quaker
who lived most of his life in Waterford, Ireland.
1740, illness killed his wife and six of his children. Looking to make
a better
life, James left Ireland
with his only surviving son, the ten-year-old Thomas Moore (Sr). In Philadelphia,
Thomas Sr. was
apprenticed to a shoemaker. In 1754, he endured expulsion from the
community for marrying Elizabeth, a non-Quaker. The young couple left
city and moved to Trenton, New
Jersey for the next decade. It was
that Thomas Moore Jr. was born in 1760.1
Three years later, the family petitioned to rejoin the Quaker
Meeting in Trenton.
With the consent
of the Philadelphia
branch, the Moores
were brought back into the Meeting and
the family remained devout for the next several generations. During the
the Moores returned
to Philadelphia
where they stayed throughout the
Revolutionary War. In 1780, the family (then with five children) moved
to Loudoun
County, Virginia.
While there, Moore began to learn the trade of
cabinet making.2
On September 21, 1791, the
31-year-old Moore
married Mary Brooke, a woman of the same age from the environs of Sandy Spring
in Montgomery
County, Maryland.3 Brooke was a
daughter of Roger
Brooke IV, and descended from one of the wealthiest landholders in the
When Moore
married Brooke, he was brought into this tight knit community of very
successful and affluent Quaker families. Moore became a member of the
community's Quaker religious meeting at Sandy Spring, where both he and
his wife became incredibly active.4
His marriage also came with over 400 acres of land that Brooke
had inherited from her father's death the year before. So, in 1794,
Moore formally settled on Mary's inheritance and became the de
owner. That same year, their first child, Mary Moore Jr., was
Unfortunately for Moore,
the soil on the property was of poor health.6
Perhaps to make ends meet through
those initial years, Moore
began to advertise a sale of two hundred eighty acres (over half his
land) as early as February 1795 and made the sale by June for a
amount of money.7
It was also in that year that he began to experiment with
deeper plowing techniques in an attempt to return nutrients to the top
In the following years from 1797 to 1800, two more children, Asa and
Ann were
born. Meanwhile, through trial and error, Moore
achieved success in reviving the health of his farm by using a large
plow of
his own design. In 1801, these experiments culminated with a published
entitled The Great Error of American Agriculture
Exposed. This
small book outlined Moore's
findings on such agricultural techniques as plowing and proper crop
That year, in recognition for this achievement, Moore was
elected President of the newly
formed Farmer's Society of Sandy Spring.9
This organization (of which Moore was also
a founding
member) was dedicated to the improvement of agricultural methods in the
community and disseminated those developments among its constituent
Around 1800, Moore's
brother-in-law and
neighbor, Richard
Thomas Jr., laid out a small town around his mill, which was
also adjacent to Moore's
farm. This town, called Brookeville, would quickly become a small
outpost of
industry in this otherwise agrarian county. The enterprising Moore
found himself as a leading citizen in
this town and participated
in its growth. On April 26, 1802, his fourth and
final child was born. He was named Caleb Moore, ostensibly after Moore's
and fellow Brookville resident, Caleb
Yet, at this point in his life, Moore
was not so wealthy as his relatives and neighbors. Evidently, his
treatise on
agriculture had not been the financial success that he had hoped it
would be.
On April 2, 1802, Moore
wrote to Secretary of State James Madison asking him to promote the
among the members of Congress, especially those from the southern
states, for
the express purpose of recouping the expense of publishing.10 It is not
if Madison
complied. Although the two men would eventually become close
perhaps even friends, they could not have known each other well at his
point. Moore's
request was written in an uncharacteristically
formal style and he even managed to misspell Madison's
Nevertheless, like many of his generation, Moore was
guided by ingenuity and a belief
that necessity is the mother of invention. In 1802, Moore
received a patent for an invention that
he called a refrigerator.11
This device was a wooden box with a tin chamber
inside. Moore
placed ice between the wood and the tin and then insulated it with
rabbit fur
along the exterior. The result was a storage vessel that could keep its
contents very cold for relatively long periods. He used it for
butter to market, although he recognized its potential for many other
uses. Moore
was so pleased with
his refrigerator that, on June 21, 1802, he invited President Thomas
to visit him in Brookeville to inspect it.12
was impressed and took notes and drawings of the refrigerator and even
purchased one some years later. In 1803, Moore
published a short pamphlet concerning his refrigerator and ice-houses.
this pamphlet, Moore
was able to promote his invention and supplement his income through the
sale of
patent rights.13
The years 1805 and 1806 marked a turning point in Moore's
life. Early in 1805, he attracted the
attention of the people of Georgetown
and Washington when he
was contracted to oversee construction of a causeway from Mason's
Island (now Theodore
Roosevelt Island
National Park)
in the Potomac River to
the Virginia
mainland. How Moore
managed to construct this causeway or why he was chosen to do so is
unknown. He
had received no formal training in bridge construction and considered
himself a
farmer up until this point.14
Perhaps Moore's brother-in-law, the surveyor
and engineer, Isaac
Briggs was responsible for recommending him to Briggs's close
friend John Mason, who owned the island. Regardless, the project
launched Moore's
lifelong public works career. In addition, Moore earned
the attention and respect of
John Mason, who would
prove to be an invaluable ally in the forthcoming years. It was also
project that likely touched off Moore's
informal study of rivers and water flow.
On March 29, 1806, Congress approved an act to "regulate the laying out
and making a road from Cumberland
[Maryland]... to the
State of Ohio."15 This act
marked the infancy of what would become the National Road
to the west. President Jefferson was authorized to appoint three
commissioners to oversee the project and selected Thomas Moore that
Why Jefferson selected Moore
is not clear, again owing to fact that he was without credentials. Yet,
the two
men knew each other well, and it is not impossible to imagine
favoritism at
play. Moreover, the act allowed for a surveyor to accompany the
Therefore, their task was largely logistical and technical expertise
was not
strictly necessary. Ten years later, the engineer Benjamin Henry
recalled in a letter to President James Madison that the "road was
laid out by three Commissioners none of whom were professional
By August, Moore and the other
commissioners set out with their surveyor and
three assistants to mark a proposed route with stakes while writing a
report back to the President. Shortly after, Moore
wrote to Jefferson
trying to finagle more
personal compensation than was originally approved by Congress. The
reply was a
stern reprimand from the U.S. Treasurer, Albert Gallatin.18
is understandable given the difficult conditions in which he and the
commissioners were working. The task was arduous and slow moving. In
his report
to Jefferson, Moore
wrote that: "through a country so irregularly broken, and crowded with
very thick underwood...the work has been found so incalculably tedious
without an adequate idea of the difficulty, it is not easy to reconcile
By December, the team had failed to complete their assignment
before winter. They returned to the frontier in the spring of 1807, but
by the
time that Moore
left the project in January of 1808, work still had not been completed.20
Difficult as the task probably was, it seems that Moore and the other
commissioners were also ill-prepared. Nevertheless, in the
end, Moore
left the project
with a much greater understanding of topography and surveying.
After spending a year and a half in the frontier wilderness, Moore
turned his attention to local affairs. Three years earlier, he
purchased a piece of property on the west side of Brookeville which
would eventually become the Brookeville
The tannery was primarily used to make soles and upper leathers for
shoe manufacturing. He owned the tannery until 1818, when he sold it to
William Woodward and Henry Howard.
In 1809, he expanded his involvement in manufacturing, joining his two
brothers-in-law, Isaac Briggs and Caleb Bentley to found
a small town north of Brookeville known as Triadelphia.21
This community was centered around a diversified milling
operation that
principally processed cotton. Of the three men, Moore had the
smallest investment but was still
peripherally involved for the next twenty years. Unfortunately for Moore,
it was never a
profitable enterprise within his lifetime, although during the period
of the
War of 1812, the mills offered a great hope for independence from
imports. Also in 1809, Moore
was elected to the
American Philosophical Society, signaling his arrival into America's
class of intellectuals.22
The following year, Moore's
new notoriety earned him an offer from the Potomac Company to
join them as
chief engineer.23
This quasi-private company had been founded in 1785 by
George Washington with the hopes of making the Potomac River a viable
to the Midwest
through a system of canals that
bypassed certain unnavigable rapids. At the time of his invitation, the
president of the company was Moore's old
friend John Mason. Although Moore turned
down the
offer, he maintained a professional relationship with the company for
the rest
of his life.
Moore passed on this
opportunity because, in
1810, he was already engaged in a different engineering project on the Potomac. For the previous two
decades, silt deposits had
built up to such quantities in the Potomac that a large sandbank was
obstructing ship traffic around Georgetown.
The city council had been looking for a way of removing this impediment
to support
trade, and Moore
proposed a solution as early as 1806 (shortly after completing the
Mason's Island
causeway).24 His plan
called for the construction of an angled
wing dam on each side of the river. Moore
believed that these dams would push incoming water towards a fixed
point, thus increasing the speed and volume of water flow. This
powerful stream
of water would then hit the sandbank, forcing out the silt and
deepening the ship
The Georgetown City Council approved
the plan and contracted Moore and his
neighbor David
Newlin to
construct the dams and maintain them for two years. Newlin was the
owner of his
own milling
operation in Brookeville where he produced plaster and
therefore could provide building materials at a low cost. The two men
stood to
gain a lot from the project. Whereas Moore
had been paid four dollars a day to lay out the national road, he and
would make a total of $10,000 if the plan worked, and $5,000 even if it
did not.25
Work began in September 1810, but there was dissent almost immediately.
The Washington Bridge Company obtained a temporary court
injunction against the project out of fear that the forced water might
their bridge downstream. Work was halted until the court could make a
judgment that January.26
To build their case, the Washington Bridge Company called in Benjamin
Latrobe as an expert witness. Latrobe was, arguably, the foremost
engineer and architect of his day. Born to American parents in England
educated there, Latrobe was (and still is) well-respected for designing
early American building projects, notably the U.S. Capitol Building. He
initially hesitant to testify out of respect for Moore's
reputation and financial interests. However, when Latrobe was summoned
to court, he had no alternative but to provide
his honest opinion. His experience had taught him that water hitting
the walls
of the wing dams would not be funneled into the center of the river but
deflected outwards creating eddies and rogue currents. Moreover, he
that the project might damage the Washington Bridge. On
January 23,
1811, the court placed a moratorium on the project based
on his
Immediately, the citizens of Georgetown
sought to petition congress to overturn the decision. In the meantime, Moore
wrote to Latrobe on
February 2 and in a curt letter, subtly threatened to go to the press
Latrobe did not retract his opinion. When Latrobe incredulously
rebuffed the
threat, Moore
denied ever making it.28
Nevertheless, Moore
subsequently published an attack in
both a local newspaper and a separate pamphlet.29
The attack campaign
contained Latrobe's private correspondence to Moore
alongside Moore's
own 28 page critique of Latrobe's deposition. In his response,
published a year later, Latrobe noted that Moore's
"publications are in many places
so inaccurate as to be unintelligible."30
His project in limbo, Moore
turned back to the Potomac Company for work. Probably with much regret
frustration, he was hired as a consultant for the engineer now in the
he had turned down only a year earlier.31
The following year, a Congressional hearing convened to examine the
petition of
the citizens of Georgetown.
In March 1812, Latrobe was called in again and delivered much the same
He published this deposition along with a detailed version of
his argument and a rebuttal of Moore's
pamphlet in April.33
By May 20, Latrobe wrote that he was confident that the House of
Representatives would heed his advice, uphold the
court's decision, and permanently kill the project despite continued
protestations from Moore and the people of Georgetown.34
The bill supporting Moore and Newlin's construction died before the
House of Representatives ever voted on it. Less than a month
later, war was declared on Great Britain
and the War of 1812 drew attention
away from the controversy.
Despite this setback for Moore,
the war brought another opportunity. Starting around 1813, he
employment as chief manager of the Union Manufacturing Company near
The large factory produced textiles from cotton, similar to the
Triadelphia Mills but on a much larger scale. To keep up with the
demand of the
war, the company constructed a second mill in 1813 and worked over
spindles. On December 15, 1815, shortly before the end of the war, part
of the
factory burned down.36
It's not clear how long Moore worked
for the company or if he oversaw
the mill during the fire.
Regardless, by 1817, Moore
was back in Brookeville to oversee the construction of his new mansion,
Moore's nephew Thomas
McCormick, a carpenter and future Methodist minister, built
this elegant brick neoclassical house around the frame of
the old Moore
home, a log structure that the Moores had named "Retreat."37 The
grandeur of Longwood was a clear status symbol for the man who had
built a
reputation of success among his friends and neighbors. "Longwood's"
construction solidified its place as an outstanding example of Montgomery
architecture that still stands
today. Back in Brookeville for a short time, Moore kept busy. He once
more became involved in the Quaker meeting at Sandy Spring, becoming an
elder in the local meeting.38
He also took on duties at the Triadelphia factory and in Brookeville,
writing to Isaac Briggs that "a great proportion of the Triadelphia
Business and of the concern at Brookeville have fallen to my lot. Those
are both bad concerns and have given me a great deal of trouble."39
Perhaps not coincidentally, Moore
achieved the zenith of his career one year later. In 1818, by the
recommendation of John Mason, Moore
was selected
as the Chief Engineer to the Board of Public Works of the State of Virginia.40 The
position paid a handsome salary of $3,500 per year plus
expenses. As Chief Engineer, it was Moore's
responsibility to oversee the various public works projects underway in
state, make assessments of their progress, and advise the Board with
expert opinions. Moore
principally engaged in evaluating the viability of the Potomac
In 1819, the Potomac Company (the same one that Moore had worked for
years prior) applied to the Virginia Board of Public Works for
assistance in
judging how best to proceed with its burgeoning debt and stalled
progress. The
company had been floundering for decades and many believed that it
could no
longer fulfill its mission. In response, the General Assembly of
directed Moore to
examine the length of the
Potomac from Washington
to Cumberland,
to determine whether or not
transportation on the river was still possible. If not, Moore
was also to evaluate the possibility of
a continuous canal independent of the river. Moore started
on June 30, 1820 and submitted
his completed report on December 27 of that year.41
His report was mildly supportive of continuing efforts to make the Potomac navigable over an
independent canal. He provided
conservative estimates as to cost for both alternatives, but largely
deferred to
the legislature to decide the next course of action without taking a
stance either way.42
By January, the Virginia
and Maryland
legislatures had worked together and assembled a new committee to
examine the issue. This time, Moore
was joined
by Isaac Briggs and five other men from both sides of the Potomac.
It was their initial impression that the Potomac Company's current
state of
fiscal ruin had put it past the point of no return. On July 31, 1822,
committee set out to examine the course of the river with a new
objective: to
seriously evaluate the possibility of an independent canal that relied
on a
system of locks rather than the natural slope of the river.43
By September the commissioners' progress was halted by a bout of
resulting from the malarial swamp-like conditions of the river. On
18, 1822, the group disbanded and left Moore (who was until then
healthy) to
continue alone.44
Shortly after, Moore
contracted typhoid and stumbled back to Brookeville in a state of
delirium. He
died there on October 22, 1822.
Supposedly, while on his deathbed, Moore
asked Briggs to finish the report that they had started together.45 This new
report, submitted to the Governor of Maryland on January 27, 1823, was
primarily authored by Briggs, but was based off of much of the data
that Moore
had collected. In
it, Briggs was so heavily critical of the old Potomac Canal
plan that it single-handedly killed the project.46
In its place arose the
genesis of the Chesapeake
and Ohio
Jackson Gilman-Forlini, DAR
Research Fellow, 2012.
- Bronwen C. Souders, "Thomas Moore, From Waterford
to Waterford," (Waterford,
The Waterford Foundation),
regarding the early history of the family can be found among the Quaker
kept at the Swarthmore Friends Library in Swarthmore, PA.
- T.H.S. Boyd, The History of Montgomery County,
Maryland from its Earliest
Settlement in 1650 to 1879, (Clarksburg Maryland, 1879), pp.
90-93. A few
unconfirmed anecdotes such as this one exist in a biographical sketch
of Moore
found in this
volume. They appear to have been the childhood recollections of Moore's
nephew, Thomas
McCormick when he was eighty-eight years old.
- Monthly
Meeting at the
Clifts Collection, marriage certificates from Sandy Spring, West River,
and Indian Springs meetings, marriage certificate, Thomas Moore and
Mary Brooke, September 21, 1791, pp. 203-204 [MSA SC 2978, SCM 639-1].
- Mary
became an elder (a leader and role model in the community) herself in
1806. See Baltimore Quarterly Meeting, West River: (Minutes) Ministers
and Elders, 1759-1814, February 1, 1806 [MSA SC 3123 SCM 574]. Thomas
himself served as a representative to many Quarterly and Yearly
meetings. He also participated in one of the meeting's causes. In 1803,
he and a group of Quakers petitioned the Maryland General Assembly to
protect the freedom of freed slaves. See Letter, Thomas Moore to Dear
Brother (Isaac Briggs), Retreat, 11/12/1803, Brookeville Letters
Vertical File, Sandy Spring Museum, Sandy Spring MD; see also General
Assembly, Votes and Proceedings of the House of Delegates, November
Session 1803, p. 18, Archives
of Maryland Online [MSA SCM 3198, p. 394].
Notably, Moore never owned slaves, a testament to his devotion to his
- Sandy Spring Meeting records, Register of Births and
Deaths: Births, pp. 25-26 [MSA SC 2978 , SCM 667-3, 638-1].
- Thomas Moore, The Great Error of American
Agriculture Exposed (Baltimore:
Bonsal and Niles, 1801), p. 30.
- Advertisement, "Land for Sale," Federal
Intelligencer, (Baltimore, Maryland), February
24, 1795, p. 4; MONTGOMERY COUNTY COURT (Land
Records) June 29, 1795, Deed of Sale from Thomas Moore to William
Gaither, part of tract of land known as Addition to Brooke Grove, Liber
F-7, p.
15 [MSA CE 148-7].
- Thomas Moore, The Great Error of American
Agriculture Exposed (Baltimore:
Bonsal and Niles, 1801).
- "Agricultural Society," The New York
Gazette, November 20, 1801 (New York, NY),
p. 3.
- Thomas
Moore to James Madison, 2 April 1802, Letter, James Madison
Papers 1723-1836, Library
of Congress.
- Thomas Moore, An Essay on the Most
Eligible Construction
of Ice-Houses (Baltimore: Bonsal and Niles, 1803).
- Thomas Moore to Thomas Jefferson, 21 June
1802, Letter, Thomas Jefferson Papers 1606-1827.
Library of Congress.
- Moore,
An Essay on Ice-Houses.
- Robert J. Kapsch, The Potomac
(Morgantown, WV: West Virginia
Press, 2007), p. 272; In his 1803 pamplet on refrigeration Moore
wrote, perhaps prematurely, that
"the height of my ambition is to become a good practical
- Thomas B. Searight, The Old Pike (Uniontown,
PA: 1894), p. 25-27.
- Searight, The
Old Pike, p. 28.
- Benjamin Henry Latrobe to James Madison, 8 April 1816, The
Correspondence and Miscellaneous Papers of Benjamin Henry Latrobe Vol.
3, Tina H. Sheller, et. al., eds. (New Haven:
Yale University, 1988), p. 750.
- Thomas
Jefferson to Thomas Moore, 16 September 1806, Jefferson Papers.
- Searight, Old Pike, p. 40.
- Ibid.
- Esther B. Stabler, "Triadelphia: Forgotten Maryland
Town," Maryland
Historical Magazine 43,
no. 2 (1948) p. 108-120. Although Stabler's article is poorly cited,
descendancy from the greater Brooke family, her ownership of primary
and her general accuracy with corroborative details makes her account
Triadelphia (the only scholarly one to date) fairly reliable.
- American Philosophical Society website, Member
(Search for Thomas Moore in search bar).
- Kapsch, Potomac
- Thomas Moore, Address to Citizens of Georgetown
and Washington, on
Improving the Navigation of
the River Potomac (Georgetown,
D.C. 1806).
- "Ship Channel to Georgetown,"
Agricultural Museum 1, no. 6 (12 September 1810) p.
- Injunction to Corporation of Georgetown et al., issued 17
Sept. 1810, Washington
Bridge Company et al. v. Corporation of Georgetown et al., RG
21, National
- Benjamin Henry Latrobe, Opinion on a Project for
Removing the
Obstruction to a Ship Navigation to Georgetown
(Washington, D.C., 1812).
- Thomas Moore to Benjamin Henry Latrobe, 7 February
1811, Papers of Latrobe, p.
- Papers of Latrobe, pp.47-48 n.5.; Spirit
'Seventy-Six (Georgetown, D.C.); Thomas
Moore, Ship
Navigation to Georgetown (n.p., 1811).
- Latrobe, Opinion on a Project, p.
- Kapsch, Potomac
p. 273.
- Sheller, et.
al., Papers of Latrobe, pp.
47-48 N5.
- Sheller, et.
al., Papers
of Latrobe, pp. 47-48 N5.
- Sheller, et.
al., Papers
of Latrobe, pp. 47-48 N5.
- Advertisement, "Woolen Manufacturers," Baltimore
Patriot, June 12, 1813; Boyd, History of Montgomery,
p. 91.
- The amount of spindles operating at the Triadelphia mill
was quite
extraordinary in comparison to similar local mills. For example, David
Newlin's woolen mill was operating with only 400 spindles by 1820: Fourth Census of
the United States, 1820, Manufactures (Washington, D.C.:
National Archives, 1965) p. 199, 22, 239; James Walter Peirce, Guide
To Patapsco
Mill Sites, (Bloomington, IN:
AuthorHouse, 2004).
- "Longwood,"
Sandy Spring Museum Website, via Internet Archive Wayback Machine,
accessed 14 November 2013.
- Quarterly
Meeting for the Western Shore; Rough Minutes, Ministers and Elders,
1814-1826, May 10, 1817, p. 28 [MSA SC 3123 SCM 574-1].
- Letter, Thomas Moore to Isaac Briggs, 26 November 1817,
Sandy Spring Museum.
- Kapsch, Potomac
p. 289.
- George Washington Ward, The Early Development of
the Chesapeake
and Ohio
Project (Baltimore: Johns
Hopkins University Press 1899), pp. 39-43.
- Kapsch, Potomac
p. 289.
- Ward, Chesapeake
and Ohio
pp. 39-43.
- Kapsch, Potomac
p. 237.
- Commissioners of the States of Maryland
and Virginia, Message
of the Governor of Maryland
Transmitting A Report of the Commisioners
Appointed to Survey the River Potomac,
1, 1823 (Annapolis: J. Hughes, 1822).
- Kapsch, Potomac
pp. 291-296.
to Thomas Moore's Introductory Page
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