The four-hundred and twenty-sixth volume of the Archives of Maryland series was published in 1985. The Archives of Maryland edition was published in 2002 by the Maryland State Archives.
While names in this volume can be searched and summary information returned, access to the full files will have to wait until we have the budgetary resources to implement a subscription service. In the meantime, the volumes (Vol. 1, A-H and Vol. 2, I-Z) are probably accessible at your local library or through interlibrary loan. Use the bibliographic citation below.
If you wish place an order for a copy of a specific biography from the book, see our web site at for ordering information.
Volume 426 Source Document
Edward C. Papenfuse, et al. A Biographical Dictionary of the Maryland Legislature, 1635-1789. 2 Vols. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1979, 1985)