Volume 861, Page 73b View pdf image |
March Court
73 according to Law as wittness our hands this seventeenth day of March Anno Dom 1740/1 John Woolford Joseph Gilliss
hundred and forty to answer unto George Gale of a plea of trespass upon the Case &c and the same day is given ^to^ the af.d George here &c And the said George Gale declared against the af.d William King in the plea af.d in form following Somerset ss.t William King late of Somerset County Inholder was attached to Answer unto George Gale of a plea of trespass upon the Case &a And Whereupon the said George Gale by George Douglas his Attorney Complains that whereas the said William on the first day of January Anno Dom MDCCxxxix at the County af.d was Indebted to the said George Gale in the sum of Eleven pounds nine shillings and Eight pence Curr.t money of Maryland for sundry matters and things properly Chargeable in Account as by Account thereof hereto Annexed may appear and so being thereof Indebted on Consideration thereof the said William afterwards to wit on the day and year last af.d at the County af.d at the County af.d upon himself did Assume and to the said George Gale then and there faithfully promise that he the said William the said Eleven pounds nine shillings and Eight pence to the said George Gale when he should be thereto afterwards required would faithfully pay and Content and altho' the said William King hath not paid to the said George Gale the sum of Seven pounds five shillings part of the said Eleven pounds nine shillings and Eight pence Nevertheless as to four pounds four shillings and Eight pence Curr.t money af.d residue of the said Eleven pounds nine shillings and Eight pence the said William his promise af.d in form af.d made not regarding but minding and fraudulently intending the said George Gale in that part Craftily and Subtilly to deceive and defraud the said four pounds four shillings and Eight pence to the said George Gale hath not paid or him for the same in any Sort Contented but that to do hitherto hath refused and still doth refuse altho' thereto afterwards to witt on the day and year af.d at the County af.d at the County af.d and often since that time by the said George Gale required whereupon the said George Gale say he is damnified ten pounds Current money of Maryland and thereof he brings Suit &c D.r William King to Geo: Gale Pledg.s &c J: Doe R: Roe
Came the af.d George Gale by his Attorney af.d and the sheriffe to witt John Handy Gent now here returned that he had taken the af.d William King whose body here at this day he had ready to Answer the af.d George Gale of the af.d plea as to him |
Volume 861, Page 73b View pdf image |
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