Volume 861, Page 153b View pdf image |
August Court
153 A Copy of the foregoing decleration was made and sent to be served on the defendant for a speedy Tryall Att which day here Came the af.d George Douglas by his attorney af.d and the sheriffe to witt John Handy Gent now here Returned that he had taken the af.d Patrick Connelly whose body hereat this day he had Ready to answer the af.d George Douglas of the af.d plea as to him it was Commanded and further the said Sheriffe Returned that he had served the af.d Patrick Connelly with a Copy of the foregoing decleration according to act of assembly in such Case made and provided &.a Whereupon the said Patrick Connelly at the prayer of the af.d George Douglas is adjudged to give speciall bail to the action af.d Thereupon Came herein Court a Certain William Beavins of Somerset County planter in his proper person and underook for the said Patrick Connelly (Likewise the said Patrick Connelly present herein Court in his proper person assumed upon himself) that if it should happen that Judgment in the plea af.d should be rendred for the same George Douglas against the said Patrick Connelly or that he the said Patrick should be therein Convict that then he the said Patrick should Pay and satisfie unto the said George Douglas the Judgment of the Court thereupon or render his body in execution of such Judgment to the prison of the sheriffe of the County af.d in satisfaction thereof or that he the same William Beavins will do the same for him &.a And Whereupon the af.d Patrick Connelly in his proper person Cometh and defendeth the force and Injury when &.a and saith that he Cannot deny the action af.d of the af.d George Douglas nor Can he say but that he oweth the same George Douglas the af.d Six pounds in manner and form as the af.d George above against him hath declared Therefore It is Considered that the af.d George Douglas Recover against the af.d Patrick Connelly his debt af.d and his damages by occasion of the detention of the same debt to 415 Pounds of tobacco to the same George of his assent by the Court here adjudged and the af.d Patrick in mercy &.a
Douglas of a plea that he render him Six pounds Curr.t money of Maryland which to him he owes and unjustly detains &c And the same day is given to the af.d George here &c And hereupon the said George Douglas declared against the said Abraham Heath in the plea af.d in form Following Somerset ss Abraham Heath late of Somerset County planter otherwise Called Abraham Heath |
Volume 861, Page 153b View pdf image |
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