Volume 861, Page 153 View pdf image |
August Court
153 Allegation Grants to be true prays Judgment for those damages above acknowledged together with his Costs and Charges af.d to him to be adjudged &c Therefore by Consent of the parties af.d it is Considered that the af.d John Henry recover against the af.d Francis Persons his damages af.d to the af.d nine pounds Sixteen shillings and Eight pence Curr money by the same 405 Francis in form aforesaid Acknowledged as also pounds of tobacco for his Costs and Charges aforesaid to the Same John at his request by the Court now here of the assent of the parties aforesaid adjudged which Certain damages in the whole amount to nine pounds Sixteen Shillings and Eleven pence Curr.t money and pounds of tobacco with Stay of Execution untill the tenth day of November then next following and the afd Francis in mercy &c
his body before the Justices of his Lordships County Court of Somerset to be held at dividing Creek in the same County the third tuesday of August Anno Dom one thousand seven hundred and forty one to Answer unto George Douglas of a plea that he render him six pounds Currt money of maryland which to him he owes and unjustly detains &.a and the same day is given to the af.d George here &.a And Whereupon the said George by Francis Allen his attorny says that whereas the said Patrick on the xiij day of July Anno Dom MDCCXL at the County af.d by his Certain writing obligatory which the said George sealed with the seal of the said Patrick herein Court brings whose date is the day and year af.d did acknowledge himself to be held and firmly bound to the said George in the said six pounds to be paid to the said George when he the said Patrick should be afterwards ^be^ thereto Required and to the payment thereof did bind himself and his heirs &.a by that writing Nevertheless the said Patrick the said six pounds to the said George hath not Rendred but that to doe hitherto hath denyed and still doth deny and unjustly detain Altho' thereto afterwards to witt on the tenth xxiv day of March in the year af.d at the County af.d and often since that time by the said George Required to the damage of the said George ten pounds Currt money of maryland and thereof he brings suit &.a Pledges &.a J: Doe and R: Roe Att |
Volume 861, Page 153 View pdf image |
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