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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1737-1738
Volume 859, Page 9b   View pdf image
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March Court                         1736               9

in her proper person and had a hearing of the Indictm.t af.d and being Instantly demanded how she would
acquitt himself of the premisses af.d as by the Indictm.t af.d above upon her Imposed saith that ^of^ the premisses
af.d above upon her Imposed she is Guilty thereof &c         And makes oath that a Certain Richard
Traves is the begetter of the Child as she stands Indicted for but hath not wherewithall to pay her
fine for the fact af.d  Whereupon all and Singular the premisses by the Court here seen heard and
fully understood &c   It is Considered that the af.d Jane Tucker be whipt at the publick whiping post
with tenn Stripes on the bearer back well Laid on untill the blood appear and that she be taken &c
And thereupon as to the Corporall punishment af.d Command is given to the sheriff of Somerset
County that he do thereof Immediate Execution by whiping of the af.d Jane Tucker at the publick
whiping post with tenn Strips on the bare back well laid on untill the Blood appear &.c and
and afterwards in the same Court Came the said sheriff and made return to the same Court that
he had done the Execution of the Judgm.t af.d as to the Corporall punishm.t af.d he was Commanded
&c      Mr Hugh Stevenson to pay fees &c            being the Master

His Lordship
Solomon Riggin
Somerset County ss.t    Be it Remembred that William Goldsborough Gen.t attorney
of the Right Honourable the Lord proprietary that now is who for the same Lord
proprietary in this part prosecuteth doth come here into the County Court of the same
Lord proprietary held for Somerset County af.d to witt at dividing Creek in the County
af.d the nineteenth day of March Anno Dom seventeen hundred thirty and six before Robert King Esqr
and his associates the said Lord proprietary his Justices of the same County Court and for the same
Lord proprietary doth given the same Justices hereto understand and be informed that Solomon
Riggen late of Coventry parish in the County af.d planter the nineteenth day of March Anno
Dom seventeen hundred thirty and six at the parish af.d in the County af.d and within the Jurisdiction
of this Court before the same Justices then and there in the same Court Judicially
sitting in and upon a Certain Cornelius Dickerson of the same County planter in the peace
of God and of the said Lord proprietary then and there being with force and Arms an assault
did make and the same Cornelius then and there did beat wound and evilly treat so that of his
life it was much despaired and other harms to him then and there did to the great damage of the
same Cornelius and against the peace of the said Lord that now is his good Rule and Governmt
&.c  Whereupon the same attorney of the said Lord proprietary for the same Lord proprietary
prayeth the advice of the Court here in the premisses and that due process of law in this part

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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1737-1738
Volume 859, Page 9b   View pdf image
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