Volume 853, Page 6 View pdf image |
6 Joseph Redue Clerk of Kent County Court State of Maryland Issued and recorded on the 21st of August 1849 By Joseph Redue, Clerk To the Clerk of Kent County Court This is to certify that Emeline Boyer the bearer hereof was sold by Casparas M. Riley to Isaac Boyer for her husband by whom she was Manumitted and set free on or about the 11th day of January 1840 said Emeline Boyer is now about thirty five years old and was raised in Kent County H. Beck Sept 1st 1849 Filed and recorded Sept 1st 1849 and certificate of Freedom issued as follows Maryland Kent County to wit I Joseph Redue, Clerk of Kent County Court hereby certify to all whom it doth or may concern that it appears by the records of Kent County aforesaid that a certain Isaac Boyer of the said County by his certain deed of Manumission bearing date on the eleventh day of January in the year Eighteen hundred and forty did Manumit, liberate, set free and discharge from slavery a Mulatto woman named Emeline Boyer now about thirty five years of age I further certify that a mulatto woman now present (the bearer hereof) now called and known by the name of Emeline Boyer aged about thirty five years five feet six and one quarter inches high has proved by testimony which is satisfactory to me that she is the identical person mentioned and described by the name of Emeline Boyer in the deed of Manumission above referred to and that |
Volume 853, Page 6 View pdf image |
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