Volume 851, Page 93b View pdf image |
November Court
1735 (93) Generall or quarter Sessions for the said County of Somerset according to the form of the statute in such Case lately made and provided that the meeting house at Rehobeth Town and the meeting house on the Eastermost side of Pocomoak river both in the aforesaid County are places set apart by the said Congregation as places for their religious worship of which said Congregation the Rev.d Henry Hunter is at present Minister or teacher as wittness our hands this twenty sixth day of Nov.r Ann Dom 1735 Pat Allison, Francis Porter, Rob.t Geddes Rob.t Jenckins Henry Ordered that James Martin of Somerset County Gent be Overseer of the Roads in Pocomoke hundred in Somerset County for the Ensuing Year in Stead of John Atkinson and that Thomas Selbys Hannah Whites William Kitchens Samuel Balls Nath.ll Davis's Jeremiah Townsends and John Glasses Male Taxable Labourers assist in the Clearing of the lan and Causwaying of the said Roads under ye afd overseer &a
parish af.d in the County af.d within the Jurisdiction of this Court did commit fornication with a Certain James Welsh and did permit the same James Welsh then and there to have carnal knowledge of her body and to beget then and there a bastard Child on the body of her the same Mary to the high displeasure of Almighty God to the evil Example of all others in such Case offending contrary to the peace of the said Lord proprietary that now is his good rule and Government and against the form of the act of assembly in such Case lately made and provided &.a Test: Col Robert King On the backside of the foregoing bill of Indictment it was thus Endorsed Viz.t Billa Vera Sam.ll Wilson foreman Thereupon Command was given to the Sheriff of Somerset County that he Should take the said Mary Peirce if &.a to answer &a And afterwards to witt the Eighteenth day of November Ann: Dom: One thousand Seven hundred and thirty five before the Justices of his Lordships County Court of Somerset now here held at dividing Creek in the same County came the said Mary Peirce in her proper person according to a Certain recognizance by her and her Security in that part first acknowledged and had a hearing of the Indictment af.d and being Instantly demanded how she would acquitt her selfes of the premisses af.d above by the Indictment upon her (Imposed |
Volume 851, Page 93b View pdf image |
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