Volume 851, Page 86b View pdf image |
November Court
86 Impossible for any Cart or Carriage to pass the same without damage and the way as now turn'd is more distant & In Convenient than the way formerly laid out by your worships order Therefore your petitioner humbly prays that Commissioners may be Appointed to View the said Road and that your petitioner may still have the Use and Liberty of passing the said Road formerly Laid out by order of this Court as aforesaid or such other way less detrimentall to your petitioner than the road your petitioner is at present obliged to make use and that your worships will make Such further Order in the premisses as to your worships shall seem mete and your petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray Mary Hampton The petition aforesaid being read and heard and the premises Considered It is ordered by the Court here that Coll George Dashiell and Capt Edwd Rownd go Immediately and Lay out a road for the said Madam Mary Hampton from her dwelling plantation on pocomoke river a Cross the lands or plantation of the afd Abigail Tomlinson to a plantation of the said Mary Hamptons Lying Contiguous on the Lower side of the said Abigail Tomlinsons plan land or plantation afd and that they the said Dashiell and Rownd make their report to this court &a Afterwards Came hereinto Court the Said George Dashiell and Edward Rownd the Gent afd appointed by this Court to Lay out a road a Cross the Lands or plantation of the afd Abigail Tomlinson for the Use of the said Mary Hampton and made return as Followeth viz.t that they had ordered and Laid Out for the said Mary Hampton a road a Cross the Said Abigaill Tomlinsons Land or plantation ^afd^ along the Rivers Side on the fast Land within thirty feet of the rivers Bank and that the Said Tomlinson remove her fence in from the river side Immediately and not to Stop up the road or way thats ordered to the use of the said Mary Hampton a Cross the said Tomlinsons Land and further that the said Mary Hampton keep good and Sufficient gates or Barrs or both if Shee pleases at her Own Costs and Charges &a Upon the return afd of the afd George Dashiell and Edw.d Rownd It is Considered by the Justices here that the Same Road or way as afd Laid out or directed be adjudged and deemed a Sufficient Road or way a Cross the said Abigail Tomlinsons Land or plantation for the ^use of the^ said Mary Hampton to her Lower plantation Lying Contiguous on the Lower side of the Said Land or plantation of the aforesaid Abigaill Tomlinsons and further that the said Mary Hampton at her own Expense keep good and Sufficient Gates or Barrs or both if she pleases as afd &a
petitioner |
Volume 851, Page 86b View pdf image |
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