Volume 851, Page 70 View pdf image |
August Court
(70) And whereupon the s.d Mary by Francis Allen her attorney saith that whereas y.e s.d Richard the twentieth day of July Anno Dm Seventeen hundred & thirty three at the County of Somerset afores.d within the Jur of this Court by his certain writing obligatory w.ch the s.d Mary with the seal of the s.d Richard Signed hereinto Court brings the date whereof is the same day & year did acknowledge himselfe to be bound unto the s.d John in his life time in the afores.d Eighty pounds to be paid unto the s.d John when he should be thereunto required Yett the s.d Richard tho' often required the s.d Eighty pounds to the afores.d John in his life time or to the afores.d Mary Since the death of the s.d John to whom admrcon of all & singular the goods & Chattles &.a of the s.d John at the time of his death since the decease of the s.d John by Nehemiah King Dep.ty Comissary of Somrsett County on the first day of March Anno Dm Seventeen hundred & thirty four at the County of Somrsett afores.d in due form of law was Comitted hath not rendered but the same to the s.d John in his life time or to the afores.d Mary Since the decease of the s.d John to render hath denyed and the same to the s.d Mary to render still doth deny and unjustly detain to the retarding her in her Admrcon afores.d whereupon she saith she is worse & hath damage to the value of Fifty pounds curr.t money of Maryland and thereupon she brings Suite &.a and brings into Cort here her letters of admrcon by w.ch &.a Pledges de p8 John Doe & R: Roe And the aforesaid Richard Wallace in his proper person Cometh and defendeth the force & Injury when &a and Saith that he Cannot Gainsay the action afd of the afd Mary nor can he say but that the writing Obligatory afd is the deed of him the Same Richard nor but that he detained from the Same Mary the afd Eighty pounds Currant money in manner and form as the afd Mary above against him hath declared wherefore the Same Mary prays Judgm.t for the debt afd and her damages Sustained by Occasion of the detaining of that Same debt to her to be adjudged &a Therefore it is Considered by the Court here that the aforesaid Mary Wallace admrx of the same John Wallace dec.d Recover against the afd Richard Wallace her debt afd and her damages sustained by occasion of the detaining of the Same debt to three hundred and Eighty Five 385 pounds of tobacco to the Same Mary of her assent by the Court here adjudged and the afd deft in mercy &a
you to be our Commissioners to Examine Evidences on behalf of a Certain Joseph Dashiell of the County af.d in relation to the second bounder of a tract of land called any thing on which second bounder depends the first bounder of a tract of land called sherrendines desire &.a Wee therefore require you or any three or two of you at Some time and place as to you or any three or two of you shall seem Convenient you meet on the afores.d land called as af.d (You first having taken your oaths on the holy Evangelist of almighty (God |
Volume 851, Page 70 View pdf image |
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