Volume 851, Page 65b View pdf image |
August Court
65 Thereupon the said James Welch with Henry Ballard of Somerset County Gent his Security both present here in Court in their proper persons and acknowledged themselves Indebted unto his Lordship the Lordprietary in the sum of five pounds Sterling Each of their goods and Chattells Lands and tenements Severally to be made and Levied to the Use of his said Lordship his heirs and Successors If it happen that the said James Welch do not make his personall appearance before the Justices of his Lordships County Court of Somerset to be held at dividing Creek the third tuesday of November then next and do not answer unto his said Lordship of and Concerning his begetting of a bastard Child on the body of a Certain Mary Peirce and do not stand and abide the Judgmt of the Court thereupon and do depart the Same Court without Leave &a then &a
is Granted him he taking the oath in relation to the premisses according to Law &a thereupon the said Thomas Fletcher ^present here in Court^ takes the Same Oath as in Such Cases is required &a Whereupon the said Ben: a negro belonging to Cap.t Edward ^Rownd^ is ordered to give security for his good behaviour and appearance before the Justices of his Lordships County Court of Somerset to be held at dividing Creek the third tuesday of Novem next &a Thereupon the afd Edward Rownd of Somerset County Gent under took for his afd Negro Ben: and acknowledged himselfe in debted unto his Lordship the Lord Proprietary in the Sum of ten pounds Sterling good and Lawfull money of England to be Levied of his goods and Chattells Lands and tenements to the Use of his said Lordship the Lord proprietary his heirs and Successors to be made and Levied if it Happen that the afd Negro Ben do not make his personall appearance before the Justices of his Lordships Coty Court of Somerset to be held at dividing Creek the third tuesday of November next and do not answer unto his Lordship of and Concerning of Such matters and things as shall be then and there objected agt him on his ^said^ Lordships behalfe and do not stand and abide the Judgment of the Court thereupon and do depart the Same Court without Leave and in the mean time if he is not of the good behaviour towards his said Lordship and all his good people then &a
Volume 851, Page 65b View pdf image |
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