GD John essen
WB @
Ann Drapper Exrx of
Alex.d Draper
Caps tres Case Cepi
GD FA John Follows
Signey Brown
al.s Caps
tres Case
Cepi agreed |
GD Samuel Hopkins
William Beatherd
al.s Caps
tres Case
Cepi agreed |
WB Jos: MaClester
Nicho Buckley
al Caps tres
Case Cepi
agreed |
WG Samuel Miles
WB @
Richard Tull
Caps tres vi
et armis
Cepi agreed |
WG The Same
WB @
Wm Wharton
Caps tres Case
vi et armis
Cepi agreed |
WG The Same
WB @
Thomas Cozens
Caps tres vi et
armis Cepi
agreed |
WB W.m
John Bell
Caps tres Case
Cepi Discontd
without Costs
RH Duncan Murray
And.w Robinson
Caps tres Case
Cepi agreed |
RH GD The Same
Caps tres Case
Cepi agreed |
GD George Turner
Balamforth Salt
Caps tres Case
Cepi agreed |
FA Jacob Hamman
Thomas Collins
Caps Dr
£7 Cur
money decl.n
sent Cepi Decln
in time agreed