Volume 851, Page 145b View pdf image |
March Court
145 Justices here that the aforesaid John Townsend Sen.r be discharged from paying of Taxes for the afd Negro Dick as by the petition afd is praid &a
detains your petitioner as a servant and he will pray Thereupon Command is given to the Sheriff of Somerset County that Immediately he Summons the above said George Bounds that all Excuses sett apart he be and appear before the Justices of his Lordships County Court of Somerset now here held at dividing Creek in and for the Same County to answer the petition aforesaid of the afd George Dial &a and afterwards in the Same Court before the Justices thereof Came the said sheriff and made return that he had Summoned the Said George Bownds as by the preceipt afd he was Commanded &.a and thereupon Came hereinto Court the said George Bounds in his proper person and the petition afd being read and heard the said George Bownds freely Confesseth herein Court that will not any further or Longer detaine the Same Geo: Dial in his Custody as a Servant by any Inderture or otherwise &a Wherefore it is Considered by the Justices here that the aforesaid George Dial from the Service of the afd George Bownds be quiet and goe thereof without day &a
we Command you that you attach any of the Goods Chattles rights or Creditts of Martian Fenton late of Somerset County Cordwainer if they shall be found in your bailywick to the value of sixty four pounds Fifteen shillings and foure pence halfe peny Currant money and one thousand pounds of tobacco and when you have the same attached or any part thereof the same in your Costody safe keep so that you have the same before our Justices of our County Court of Som.rt to be held at dividing Creek the third Tuesday of march Next then and there to be Condemned according to act of assembly to and for the use of a Certain John Williams unless the said martian Fenton by himself or his attorney shall appear and answer unto the said John william^s^ in a plea of Trespass upon the case &a according to law and that by good and lawfull men of your Bailywick you make known unto the person or persons whose hands yo make y.e same attachment that he she or they be and appeear before our Justices of our County Court to be held as af.d to shew Cause if any he she or they have (why) |
Volume 851, Page 145b View pdf image |
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