Volume 851, Page 144b View pdf image |
Court 1735
144 Lord proprietary in this part prosecuteth doth Come hereinto the County Court of the same Lord proprietary held for Somerset County aforesaid to witt at dividing Creek in the County afd the Eighteenth day of March in the Year of Our Lord God Seventeen hundred and thirty five before John Smith Esq.r and his associates the said Lord prorpy his Justices of the same County Court and for the same Lord proprietary doth give the same Justices here to understand and be informed that James duffey late of Coventry parish in the County af.d Taylor the twenty sixth day of December in the Year of our Lord God seventeen hundred thirty and five at the parish af.d in the County af.d with^in^ the Jurisdiction of this Court did Commit Fornication with a Certain Honour Hally and of her body then and there had carnal knowledge and a Basterd Child on the body of her the same Honour then and there did begit) to the hugh Despleasure of almighty God to the evil Example of all others in such Case offending contrary to the peace of the said Lord proprietary that now is his good Rule and Government and aganst the Form of ^the^ Act of assembly in such Case lately made and provided &c.a Whereupon the said attorney of the said Lord proprietary for the same Lord proprietary prayeth the Advice of the Court herein the premisses and that due process of law in this part may be made against the af.d James to answer ^unto^ the same Lord proprietary of and upon the Premisses &c.a Thereupon Command was given tot he Sheriff of Somerset County that he Should take the said James Duffey if &.a to answer &.a and afterwards to witt the Sixteenth day of March anno Dom One thousand Seven hundred and thirty five before the Justices of his Lordships County Court of Somerset now here held at dividing Creek in and for the Same Court Came the said James Duffey in his proper person in Custody of the Sheriff of Somerset County and being by the said sher Ledd to the Barr had a hearing of the Information afd Sayth that of the premisses aforesaid as by the Information above against him Supposed he is not Guilty thereof ^& for tryall thereof he puts himself upon the County^ and William Goldsborough Gent his Lordships attorney and who for his said Lordship in that part followeth Likewise afterwards the said James Duffey present herein Court in his proper person relinquisheth his verification afd by him above alledged and Saith that of the premisses afd above upon him Imposed saith that he is guilty thereof but hath not wherewithall to pay his fine for the fact afd whereupon all and Singular the premisses by the Court here seen heard and fully understood It is Considered by the Justices here that the afd James Duffey be whipt at the publick whiping post with twenty Stripes on the bare Back well Laid on untill the Blood appear and that he be taken &a and thereupon as to the Corporall punishment afd Command is given to the Sheriff of Somerset ^County^ that he do thereof Immediate Execution by whiping of the said James Duffey at the publick Whiping post with Twenty Stripes on the bare back well Laid on untill the blood appear and afterwards in the Same Court Came the Said Sher and made return that he had done the Execution of the Judgmt afd as to the Corporall punishment afd he was Commanded &a and thereupon the said James Duffey is ordered to give Security for the payment of the Severall Officers their Fees due on the premises afd but for want thereof the said James Duffey is Committed into the Custody of |
Volume 851, Page 144b View pdf image |
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