Volume 851, Page 112 View pdf image |
November Court 1735
(112) in the year afores.d untill the third day of October then next Ensuing being the full term & time of one hundred and twenty days and that he the s.d John Brett for the Service & labour of the s.d Negro doth reasonably deserve to have and receive from the s.d John White the full and Just Sume of Four pounds currant money of Maryland of w.ch the s.d John White the day & year last afores.d at the County afores.d by the hands of the s.d John Brett had notice Nevertheless the s.d John White his promise and assumption afores.d in form af.d made nothing regarding but plotting & fraudulently intending the s.d John Brett in that part craftily & Subtilly to deceive and defraud the s.d Four pounds Curr.t money of Maryland or any penny thereof to the said John Brett altho' the same to do the said John White on the afores.d third day of October in the year afores.d last mentioned and often afterwards at Somerset County afores.d he was thereunto requested hath not paid or Contented but the same to him to pay or Content hath refused and still doth refuse and deny whereupon he saith the is worse and hath damage to the value of Eight pounds Curr.t money of Maryland and thereupon he brings Suite &.a Pledges dep John Doe R: Roe And the aforesaid John White by William Beckingham his attorney cometh and defendeth the force and Injury when &.a and prays leave thereof to Imparle hereuntill next Court and he hath it and the same day is given to the af.d John Brett herealso &.a Att which said next Court to witt the Eighteenth day of March Ann: Dom: One thousand Seven hundred and thirty four came againe as well the af.d John Brett as the af.d John White by their attorneys af.d and Whereupon the same John White prays further Leave thereof to Imparle hereuntill next Court and he hath it and the same day is given to the af.d John Brett herealso &.a Att which said next Court to witt the Seventeenth day of June Ann: Dom: one thousand seven hundred and thirty five came againe as well the af.d John Brett as the af.d John White by their attorneys af.d and whereupon the Same John White prays further leave thereof to Imparle hereuntill next Court and he hath it and the same day is given to the af.d John Brett herealso &.a Att which said next Court to witt the Nineteenth day of August Ann: Dom: One thousand Seven hundred and thirty five came againe as well the af.d John Brett as the af.d John White by their attorneys af.d and whereupon the same John White prays further leave thereof to Imparle hereuntill next Court and he hath it and the same day is given to the af.d John Brett herealso &.a Att which said next Court to witt the Eighteenth day of November (Ann |
Volume 851, Page 112 View pdf image |
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