Volume 851, Page 111b View pdf image |
November Court 1735
(111) Attorneys af.d and whereupon the said William Jones prays further leave thereof to Imparle hereuntill next Court and he hath it and the same day is given to the af.d John Rider herealso &.a Att which said next Court to witt the Eighteenth day of November Ann: Dom: One thousand Seven hundred and thirty five come againe as well the af.d John Rider as the af.d William Jones by their attorneys aforesaid and thereupon the said William Jones as before defends the force and Injury when &.a and saith that he the s.d William never was Bailiff of him the said John at Somrsett County afores.d in manner & form as the s.d John above ag.t him hath complained and of this he puts himselfe upon the Country &.a Generall Demurrer, Joinder in Demurrer Att which day last above mentioned Came hereinto Court the aforesaid William Jones by his attorney aforesaid and the aforesaid John Rider at the Same day of the plea being Solemnly Called Cometh not nor is his writt & declaration afd further prosecuted &a Therefore It is Considered by the Court here that the afd John Rider and his pledges of prosecuting to witt John Doe and Richard Roe be in mercy and that the afd William Jones goe thereof without day &.a also it is Considered that the aforesaid William Jones Recover against the aforesaid John Rider his damages by occasion of the premisses to Two hundred 200 pounds of tobacco to the Same William at his request for his Costs and Charges in that part Sustained according to the form of the Statute thereof Lately made and provided by the Court here adjudged and the aforesd Wm have thereof Execution &a
Consideration that he the s.d John Brett would prmitt & suffer his negro boy ^Called^ Jack to labour & work for him the s.d John White that he the s.d John White for so long time as the s.d Negro should work for him the s.d John White so much as the s.d John Brett for the Service & labour of the s.d Negroe should reasonable deserve to him the s.d John Brett he would well & faithfully pay & Content when he should be thereunto requested and the s.d John Brett in fact saith that giving creditt to the promisse & assumption afs.d of the af.d John White he did pmitt & suffer his s.d Negro boy to remain in the Service of the said John White & to work & labour for him the s.d John White from the Sixth day of June (in |
Volume 851, Page 111b View pdf image |
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