Volume 846, Page 253d View pdf image |
March Court
253 and bringing up of the aforesaid Bastard Child afd and of and from all other suits Charges troubles and demands whatsoever touching or Concerning the same &a
at the parish af.d in the County af.d within the Jurisdiction of this Court did commit fornication with a Certain Stephen Lank and did permit the same Stephen Lank then and there to have carnal knowledge of her body and to beget then and there a bastard Child on the body of her the Same Frances to the high displeasure of Almighty God to the evil Example of all others in such Case Offending contrary to the peace of the said Lord Proprietary that now is his good rule and Government and against the form of the act of assembly in such Case lately made & provided &.a Test Isaac Handy On the backside of the foregoing bill of Indictment it was Endorsed as Followeth Viz.t Billa Vera Rob.t Jones foreman Thereupon Command was given to the Sheriff of Somerset County that he should take the said Frances Johnson if &.a to answer &.a and afterwards to witt the Eighteenth day of March Ann Dom one thousand Seven hundred and thirty four before the Justices of his Lordships County Court of Somerset now here held at dividing Creek in the same County Came the said Frances Johnson in her proper person according to a Certain Recognizance by her & her Securitys before that time Acknowledged and had a hearing of the Indictment af.d and thereupon she is Instantly demanded how she would acquitt herself of the premisses af.d so as af.d above upon her Imposed; says that she is guilty thereof and is willing to pay her fine for the fact af.d &.a Whereupon all and Singular the premisses by the Court here seen heard & fully understood It is Considered by the Court here that the said Frances Johnson pay unto his Lordship the Lord prop.ry for her fine by the Court hereupon her Imposed for and by Occasion of the premisses af.d whereof in form af.d she is Convict thirty Shillings Current money for the use of the County af.d and that the said Frances Johnson be taken to satisfie his Lordship of the fine af.d &.a Whereupon the said Frances Johnson is ordered to give Security for the payment of the Severall Officers Fees due (by |
Volume 846, Page 253d View pdf image |
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