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June Court
(17) Who was Assignee According to the form of the Act of Assembly in such Case Provided of Robt Atkins of the City of Philadelphia in the Province of Pensilvania Mariner of a plea that he Render unto him the full and Just sum of one hundred and fifty pounds Currt and Lawfull mony of the province of Pensilvania of the value of one hundred and fifty pounds Currt Mony of Maryland which to him he oweth and Unjustly Detaineth &c.a And Whereupon the Same William Allen by William Beckingham his Attorney saith that Whereas the said Edw.d the Twentieth day of June in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and thirty at Somerset County by his Certain Writing Obligatory had Granted himselfe to be held and firmly bound unto the aforesaid Robert Atkins in the aforesaid sum of one hundred and fifty pounds Currant and Lawfull mony of the province of Pensilvania afs.d to be paid to the said Rob.t his Certain Attorney Ex.rs Adm.rs or Assignes who thereof afterwards he should be Required and the afs.d Wm Allen in fact saith that the afs.d one hundred and fifty pounds Curr.t and Lawfull mony of the Provinces of Pensilvania is of the Value of one hundred and fifty pounds Curr mony of this Province And the afs.d William Allen further saith the afores.d Rob.t Atkins after the Making the writing afs.d to witt on the fifth Day of June Anno Dom seventeen hundred and thirty one at Somerset County afores.d the afores.d one hundred and fifty pounds of the value afs.d or any penny thereof in no sort paid or satisfyed being by his Certain writing of assignement with the seall of him the said Rob.t Sealed did Assigne and Make over unto the aforesaid Thomas Budd the writing obligatory aforesaid and the Mony therein Mentioned whereof the aforesaid Edw.d then and there had Notice and the aforesaid William Allen further saith that the aforesaid Thos Budd after the making the writing Obligatory aforesaid and the writing assignment aforesaid to witt on the Sixth Day of July Anno Dom seventeen hundred and thirty one at Somerset County afs.d the afs.d one hundred and fifty pounds of the Value afd or any penny thereof in no sort paid or satisfyed being by his Certain Writing of Assignment with the seal of the said Thos sealed did assigne and make over unto the aforesaid William Allen the writing obligatory afs.d and the Mony therein Menconed whereof the afs.d Edwd then and there had Notice by Reason whereof as also by force of the Act of Assembly in such Case provided action hath accrewed to the aforesaid William Allen to have and Require from the afs.d Edw.d the afs.d one hundred and fifty pounds of the Value afs.d Nevertheless the afs.d Edward altho often Required the afores.d one hundred and fifty pounds of the value afs.d or any penny to the afs.d W.m Allen hath not satisfyed (or |
Volume 846, Page 17 View pdf image |
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