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June Court 1733
16 In his Lordship's County Court of Somerset before the Then Justices of the Same Court at Dividing Creek in the Same County by Consideration of the Same Court Recovered against the Said William West by the Name of William West late of Somerset County Planter the aforesaid five pounds Twelve Shillings and three hundred and forty ^two^ pounds of Tob.o which to the same Edw.d in the Same Court were adjudged for his Damages which he had by Occasion of the Non performance of a Certain Promise and Assumption to the same Edw.d by the aforesaid William made and not performed whereof the aforesaid William is Convict as by the Records and proceedings thereof in the Same Court at Dividing Creek afs.d Remaining Likewise fully appeareth which Certain Judgment Remaineth in full Strength force and Effect and no ways Recovered or Satisfyed Nevertheless the aforesaid Edward Execution of the afores.d five pounds twelve Shillings and three hundred and forty two pounds of Tob.o as yett Remaineth to be made by which action accrewed to the same Edward to have and Require of the aforesaid William the aforesaid five pounds twelve Shillings and three hundred and forty two pounds of Tob.o Notwithstanding the afs.d Edward altho often Required the afs.d five pounds twelve shillings and three hundred and forty two pounds of Tob.o to the same Edwd hath not Rendered but the same to him hitherto to Render altogether hath denyed and as yett Denyeth whereof he says that he is worse and hath Damage to the Value of Eleven pounds four shillings and six hundred and Eighty four pounds of Tob.o and thereof produceth suit &c.a Jno Doe pledges &c & Richd Roe Whereupon the aforesaid William West by Francis Allen his attorney Comes and defends the force and Injury when &c and says that he Cannot Gainsay the action afd of the afd Edward nor Can he Say but that he owes the afd Edward the afd five pounds twelve shillings and three hundred and forty two pounds of tobacco in manner and form as the afd Edward above against him thereof declared &c Therefore it is Considered that the afd Edward North Recover against the afd William West afd 317 as also three hundred and Seventeen pounds of tobacco for his damages Costs which he sustained as well by Occasion of the detention of the Same debt as for his Costs and Charges by him about his suit in that part apposed by the Court here of his assent adjudged and the defend.t in mercy &c
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Volume 846, Page 16b View pdf image |
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