Volume 842, Page 93b View pdf image |
June Court 1731
93 afd as followeth viz.t Somerset County ss John Donelson Late of Somerset County merchant otherwise Called John Donelson of somerset County in the province of Maryland Merch.t was somon'd to answere unto Amos Woodward of a plea that he render unto him forty one pounds Seven Shillings and Six pence currant Money which to him he owes and Unjustly Detains &.c And Whereupon the same Amos by James Shirley his Attorney saith that Whereas the said John the Sixth day of July Ann Dom Seventeen hundred and twenty Eight at somerset County afd and within the Jur of this court by his certain Writing obligatory which he the said Amos with the Seal of him the said John Sealed hereinto court brings the date Whereof is the same day and year did Acknowledge himself to be held and firmly bound unto the said Amos in the aforesd forty one pounds seven Shill.s and Six pence curr.t money afd to be paid unto the said Amas when he the said John by him the said Amos Should be thereunto required yet he the said John tho often thereunto required the said forty one pounds Seven Shill.s and Six pence to the said Amos hath not rendered but the same to him hitherto to render hath Denyed and Still doth deny and Ujustly Detain Whereupon he the said Amos saith that he is made and hath damage to the value of one hundred pounds Like money afd and thereupon he brings suit &c Jn Shirley A Rey P Quer Pledg pror Jn.o Doe R Roe a Copy of the foregoeing declaration was made and Sent to be Served on the deft with the writt in the plea afd &c Att which Said next Court to witt the fifteenth day of November anno Dom One thousand Seven hundred and thirty being the day of the Return of the Said Writt Cometh the afd Amos Woodward by his attorney afd and the Sher of Somerset County to whom the foregoeing writt was directed Likewise Cometh and maketh return thereof to the Court here endorsed viz.t Cepi Corpus decl delivered in time P John Purnall sher And the afd John Donelson by Levin Gale his attorney afd Comes and defends the force and Injury when &.c and Sayth that he Cannot Gainsay the action aforesaid of the aforesaid Amos nor Can he Say but that the writing Obligatory aforesd is the deed of the Same John nor but that he Owes the same Amos the afd forty one pounds Seven Shillings and Six pence Curr.t mony in manner and form as the afd Amos above against him hath declared Therefore it is Considered that the afd Amos Woodward Recover against the afd John Donelson his debt afd 363 and his damages by Occasion of the detaining of the Same debt to three hundred & sixty three pod.s of tobacco to the Same Amos of his assent by the Court here adjudged with Stay of Execution for Six months and ye afd defend.t in mercy memorand.m the plft by his attorney Releaseth the penalty reserving the principall debt and Interest untill payment &c
Somerset County ss It being made appear to me John Scott one of his L.dShips Justices of the county of somerset aforesd the peace assigned to keep that Rob.t Atkins late of somerset County Planter is Actually Run Away and has or is about to remove his affects out of this county to Deceive his crediters you are hereby (required) |
Volume 842, Page 93b View pdf image |
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