Volume 842, Page 4 View pdf image |
August Court
4 Rose a negro Girle of Peter Dickerson is adjudged by the Court to age of six years this term &c
precarious your Petitioner prays your worships to appoint Commissioners to Examine Evidences Concerning the bounds afd and your petitioner as in duty bound shall pray The Petition aforesaid being Read and heard and fully understood and mature deliberation thereupon had Wherefore it is Considered by the Justices here that a Commission Issue to the aforesaid Samuel Gillett as by the petition afd is prayd and that John Scott W.m Lane, W.m Handy and Robert Mitchell of Somerset County Gentleman be Commissions and Execute the Same Commission according to act of assembly in Such Case made and Provided the afd John Scott and William Handy both present here in Court were Sworn to Execute the Same Commission according to Law &c
Months without any Consideration for the Same not soe much as Cloaths for the Said Service and altho' I Signed an Indenture to the said Newbold for the Space afd Yet it being unreasonable your Petitioner prays the premisses may be Considered and that your petitioner may be discharged from Such an unreasonable Indenture Servitude and a sin duty bound shall pray Thomas Creed The Petition afd being read and heard and fully understood and Mature deliberation thereupon had Wherefore it is Considered by the Justices here that the aforesaid Thomas Creed be discharged from the Service of the afd Thomas Newbold his master and further it is adjudged that the Same Indenture by which ye said Thomas Creed is detained as a servant is not Good &c
The petition afd being read and heard Wherefore it is Considered by the Justices here that the afd George Douglas be admitted one of the attorneys of this Court he taking the Severall Oaths appointed by act of assembly to the Government with the Oath of an attorney and Subscribe the oath of abjuration and test thereupon the afd George Douglas
pleased to appoint Commissioners in Order to Examine Evidences in Relation to the bounder of the Said Tract of Land and your petitioner as in duty bound shall pray The Petition afd being Read and heard and fully understood Wherefore it is Considered by the Justices here that a Commission Issue to the aforesaid ^Saml^ Riggin as by the petition afd is praid and that Robert Hearn Jun.r James Hearn, W.m Holland and John Owten of somerset County Gentm be Commissioners and Execute ye same Commission according to act of assembly in Such Case made and provided &c |
Volume 842, Page 4 View pdf image |
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