Volume 841, Page 91 View pdf image |
June Court
Evidences on behalfe of a Certain William Jones in relation to the Bounds of a tract of Land lying in the County afd called Buck Ridge we therefore require you or any three or two of you at some time and place as to you or any three or two of you shall Seem Convenient you mete on the afd Land Called Buck Ridge (you first haveing taken your Oath on the Holy Evangelist of almighty God according to act of assembly in such Case made & Provided &) there Cause to Come before you or any three or two of you all such Evidences as shall be to you or any three or two of you Nominated by the Said Complainent (or Deft if any) and that you Examine them upon their Corporall Oaths to be by your or any three or two of you administred on the holy Evangelist of almighty God in the presents of the Complainent (or Deft if any) touching the truth or rememberances of their Knowledge or any thing that may Relate to the Cause afd and that reducing the Severall Depositions into writing you Send the Same together with this Our Commission under your or any three or two of your hands to us to Our County Court of Somersett with all Convenient Speed Wittness Saml Hopkins Gent.m Chiefe Justice of our said Court &c Somersett County Aprill the 15.th 1728 The Deposition of Moses Tillman aged about thirty Years Relating to the Bounds of a Certain tract of Land Belonging to Edward Beachamp Called Buck Ridge The Deponient saith he was Living about one Mile from the afd Tract of Land in the Year 1727 and the deponient saith that Last October he was a Squerrill Hunting and Mett the afd Beachamp near the afd Tract of Land & the deponient seeing a new marked Tree Marked with Sixteen Notches standing Near Marumsco dam side and the deponient asked the afd Beachamp if he Know what marked white oake that was and ye said Beachamp told him that he marked that tree to Know how far a tract of Land that David Willson Surveyed for him Came over the Branch of ye deponient saith that that the afd Beachamp told him then that the Bounder of his Tract of Land Called Buck ridge was about a quarter of a mile Lower down the Dam & ye deponent saith that the Upper most white Oake was not marked Last March was a year and further the deponient saith that William Lane Survayor of ye afd Land told him that the Lowest white oak was the Bounder of Edward Beachamps Land Called Buck Ridge and further Saith Not his Moses O Tillman Marke |
Volume 841, Page 91 View pdf image |
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