Volume 841, Page 204b View pdf image |
Court 1729
worships to appoint and Commissionate men to take what Evidence may be produced relateing to the bounders thereof and to make return as the Law in Such Case directs and your Petitioner as in duty bound shall pray &c The Petition afd being read and heard and fully understood Wherefore it is Considered by the Justices here that a Commission Issue to John Caldwell Sen.r John Caldwell Jun.r Ebenezer Handy and Thomas Humphrys of Somersett County Gent and that they Execute same Commission according to Law &c
In consideration of which Servitude the afd Sarah Howchen undertakes to Learn the said Levin Layton the trade of a weaver and to read in the bible during his Servitude and Likewise found and provide for her said apprentice sufficient meat drink washing Lodging and Cloathing mete for Such a servant to have and wear during his servitude as afd &c Whereupon it is ordered by the Court that the afd Sarah Howchen give Security to Comply with the Covenants afd &.c Thereupon the said Sarah Howchen with John Hewett Nutter her security both Present here in Court in their proper persons acknowledge themselves to owe and stand Justly Indebted unto the said Levin Layton in the sum of fifteen pounds sterling Good and Lawfull mony of England of their goods and Chattells Lands and tenements Joyntly and Seperately to be made and Levied for the Use of the said Levin Layton his heirs or assigns if defauld be made in the Condition hereunder WRitten The Condition of the above Recognizance is such that if the above bound Sarah Howchen do and shall well and faithfully Learn the Said Levin Layton the trade of a weaver and to read in the bible with Sufficient meat drink washing Lodging and Cloathing mete for Such an apprentice to have and wear during his Servitude afd the above recognizance to be void & of none Effect otherwise &c Tamer a negro Girle of David Polk is adjudged by the Court to be of the age of Ten Years Upon the Mocon of Collo Levin Gale on behalfe of a Certain William Waters for to have his Negro Woman Tax free &c Wherefore it is Considered that the Negro Woman Called is Adjudged by the Court to be tax free for the future &c |
Volume 841, Page 204b View pdf image |
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