Volume 840, Page 18b View pdf image |
June Court
18 himselfe to owe and stand Justly Indebted unto the Right honrble Proprietary his hairs and successors in the Sum of thirty pounds Sterlling to be Levied on his Body goods or Chattells Lands or tenements for the use of the said Lord proprietary in Case the said Patrick Dennison do not make his personal appearance before the Justices of the County Court to be held at Dividing Creek the third tuesday of August next to answer &c if required &c
that whereas your petitioner Stands possessed with the Major part of two p tracts of Land the Name of the damage of the One Derham house whereon I now dwell and the other Mardicke Lying on the Seaside and the ^bounds of the^ Land afd are Like to become precarious and uncertaine Your Petitioner prayeth that your worships would be pleased to proceed and appoint Commissioners Pursuant to an act of assembly in Such Cases provided to take the probat of such Evidences as shall ^be^ to them produced in order to preserve the bounds of the Land afd in perpetual Memory and your Petitioner as in duty Bound shall Every pray &c The petition afd being read & heard & Maturally deliberated It's therefore Considered by the Court that John Purnell, Johnson Hill Fisher Walton & William Corde of Somersett County Gent be appointed Commissioners to Examine Evidences to perpetuate the bounds of the Land afd & that Commission Issue to them according to Law &c Ordered by the Court that Elizabeth Willis ^to Charles Townsends^ and there remain untill the Next Levy Court and he the said Charles Townsend shall be allowed for the same he finding her such Necessarys as shall be Sufficient for an Object of Charity &c
five Years your Petitioner ^served the said White^ the spac^e^ of two years and Nine Months at which time the said John White sold your Petitioner to a Certaine Thomas Baker of this County your Petitioners Indented term of time for five years be Expired the 17.th day of march Last past yett your Petitioner Continued in Baker's service untill the fifteenth day of this Instant June on which Morning your Petitioner humbly and Sincerely Scivelly demanded his freedome said Baker Replyed if you want your freedom He Give it you he takeing a Switch from under his Bed did beat your Petitioner there with untill he brake it to peices hoping your worships will take these things into Consideration and sett your Petition at Liberty from said service and your Petitioner as Ever in duty bound shall pray James Anslowe (whereupon) |
Volume 840, Page 18b View pdf image |
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