Volume 840, Page 18 View pdf image |
June Court
1725 18 whereupon the petition afd being read and heard and all and singular the premisses Considered as well on the Part of the afd Petitioner as on the part of the said Nehemiah Nicholson the said Nehemiah Nicholson being present in Court Could noe ways make it appear to the same Court by what he holds and detaines the same James Green as a Servant &c Wherefore it is Ordered by the Court that the said James Green from the service of the afd Nehemiah Nicholson be acquitt and goe thereof free &c Whereas a Certain Capt John Tunstall having turn'd the road by his quarter at Manocan and Capt John Jones and William Stoughton Esq.r being Requested to veiw the ^New^ Road and make their Report to this Court Whereupon In pursuance to the request the afd John Jones & William Stoughton went on the same New road and makes Report as followeth that the same New road is well Cleared & made Sufficient by ditching &c thereupon Its ordered by the Court that the Same New road Remain and Continue a maine Road unalterable for the Use of the County &c
afd the said Lindow sold the said Sweeny to Capt Robert King) thereupon the said Miles Sweeny is adjudged by the Court to serve his Master Robert King five days for Every day he absented himselfe out of his service afd which amounts to fifty five days and Likewise the said Miles Sweeney is adjudged to serve the said Robert King forty two days being full satisfaction satisfaction for two hundred pounds of tobacco paid for takeing him upon and twenty Shillings for other Charges the said Lindow was at in pursuit of the said Sweeny when runaway which servitude in the whole doth amount to Ninety Seven days all which servitude to Commence at the Expiration of the said Sweeny's Indented time which is adjudged full Satisfaction for the Runaway time and Charge and trouble ^the said Lindow was at^ in takeing up of the said Sweeny as afd &c Upon the mocon of Capt John Donelson adm.r of Samuel Cox Esq.r
dec.d to have the Negro'sof the said Samuel Cox tax free he being designed to send them Back to Barbados from whence they Came which is Granted &c provided he send them away by Novem Court Next &c Patrick Dennison a suspected Runaway being brought into Court is ordered to give security for his appearance at next Court thereupon a Certain Thomas Renchor of Somersett County Gent present here in Court undertakes for the said Patrick Dennison and acknowledged (himselfe) |
Volume 840, Page 18 View pdf image |
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