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181 then his said Mistress to take Care and provide for him both Cloathing and provision mete for Such a servent to have and wear and if in Case the afd Eliz.a Gray upon her return should refuse to provide for the said Negro afd that then it is further ordered by the Justices that John Scott of the County afd Gent put the said Negro Out to any person that would undertake to provide for him such Necessarys that might be sufficient which is to be done at the proper Costs and Charges of the afd Eliz.a Gray &c
pounds of Tob.o each yard of ye goods & Chattles of a Certain Tho.s Fletcher then & there being found then & there Feloniously did Steal take & Carry Away Ag.t the peace of the Right Honrble ye L.d Proprietary his good rule & Government & also ag.t ye forme of ye act of Assembly in Such Case Made & provided &c L Gale P Dom Propr Testes: the Reverend Thomas Fletcher M.r Samuel Hopkins abraham Smith On the Back side of the foregoeing Bill of Indictm.t it was thus Endorsed viz.t Billa Vera Adam Hitch foreman Thereupon Command was given to ye Sher of Somrsett County that he Should Take the afd Mary Ach if &ca to answer &ca and afterwards here (to witt) the twenty first day of June Anno Dom: One thousand seven hundred and twenty Six Came the Said Mary Ach into Court in Custody of ye Sher of Somrsett County afd into whose Custody before that Time was Committed for ye Cause afd And Whereupon the Said Mary Ach being by ye Sher sett to the Barr (Indictmt read) is thereupon Demanded how she would acquitt herselfe of the Felony afd says that She is noe ways Guilty thereof & thereof for Tryall putts herselfe upon ye County and Levin Gale his Lordships attorney who for his said Lordship in this Behalfe Prosecutes Likewise Thereupon Command is againe given to ye Sher of Somersett County that Immediately he Cause to Come here twelve &ca to recognize &ca by whome &c.a who as well &a of which Said Preceipt the said Sher to witt Francis Allen Gent Now hereat to witt the Same day & Year Makes return that he hath here ready twelve &ca as by his Said Preceipt it was Commanded & the Jurors therein Impannelled being Called Came to witt Wm Lane Tho.s Pullett Jacob Messick Lewis Disharoon Samuel Taylor Samuell Tomelinson Jos: Langford Giddian Tilman, Robert Hall, Tho.s Purnall James Mumford W.m Holland who being duely Elected tryed & Sworn to Say ye truth in the premisses upon there Oath do say that a Certain Ann Barton did Steal ye goods in ye Indictm.t afd mentioned to be Stolen & that ye afd Mary Ach did bear them away, Knowing the said goods to be stolen But for that ye Justices here as yett are not advised in the rendering of there Judgm.t of & upon ye premisses & verdict afd day is therefore given as well to his Said Lordships attorney who &ca as ye afd Mary Ach to here thereof their Judgm.t untill ye Next Court is Committed by ye same Court into ye Custody of the Sher of Somersett County thereto remain untill &ca the Said Sher to witt Francis Allen Gent present here in Court took Charge of ye Said Mary Ach Accordingly att |
Volume 840, Page 181b View pdf image |
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