Volume 840, Page 181 View pdf image |
November Court
181 Jacob Adams appointed Overseer of the roads in Pocomoke hundred for the ensueing year in stead of William Mathews &c Solomon Tull appointed Overseer of the Roads in Manocan hundred in the stead of William Turpin George Dashiell of Somersett County Gent produced to this Court a Commission from Michael Howard Esq.r as Clerk of the Indictments or prosecutor of his Lordships pleas within the County of Somersett which Commission followeth in these words vizt Maryland fs Michael Howard Esq.r his Lordship the Right honrble the Lord proprietor of y.e province of Maryland his attorney Generall of y.e said province To George Dashiell of Somrsett County Gent Greeting Whereas I have & do repose great Trust & Confidence in your fidelity & Integrity & also in your Skill & Knowledge in y.e Laws of this province I Have thought fitt & do by these psents Nominate Depute & appoint you y.e said George Dashiell to be my Deputy or Clerk of Indictments within the County of Somrsett In y.e Execution of which office you are to prosecute all his Lordships pleas suites & actions within the County of Somrsett afd M Howard according to y.e Best of your understanding for the due preservation of his Lordships peace & the Bringing offenders to Condign Punishment (Seal) & to sue & prosecute all Cevill & mixt actions relateing to his Said Lordships rights & dues & to take & receive to your own proper use & behoof all such fees Perquisites & advantages as to y.e same office or Deputation do Lawfully belong or appertain you first being Qualified by Taking y.e oath &.c According to Law and Lastly I do Hereby grant unto you y.e said George Dashiell to hold & Enjoy y.e said office or Deputation dureing pleasure given under my hand & Seal this twenty Sixth day of October in y.e 11th year of y.e Dominion of y.e Right Honrble Charles Lord Baron of Baltemore absolute Lord & proprietary of y.e provinces of Maryland and avalon Annoq Domini 1726 Which being read and heard the Said George Dashiell is approved of he takeing the Severall Oaths appointed to the government with the oath of Prosecutor thereupon the said George Dashiell ^took^ the Severall Oaths appointed to the government with the Oath of prosecutor and subscribed the Oath of abjuration and test &c Somersett fs November the fifteenth day of one thousand seven hundred and twenty six Came into Somersett County Court the Justices then Judicially Sitting a Certain Negro man Named Peter belonging to the Estate of Joseph Gray late of the County afd Gent dec.d and made Complaint that his Mistress Elizabeth Gray Relict of the afd Joseph Gray would Neither find him Cloathing nor provisions sufficient to support him he being antient and almost past Labour &c Whereupon the Said Negro Peter is ordered by the Justices to the house of a Certain Wescott Gray of the County afd untill his said Mistress Eliz.a Gray should returne home and (then) |
Volume 840, Page 181 View pdf image |
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