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June Court
bread therefore prays he may be discharged from paying his Leavies till he doth recover if it shall please God to Restore him and as in duty Bound shall pray Jonathan Bounds The petition afd being read & heard Its therefore Considered by the Court that the said Jonathan Bounds be discharged from the paying of Levies for the Negro afd untill such time as he shall be restored to his former State &c John Walton son and Orphan of John Walton dec.d being of full age to Chose his Guardiant Comes into Court in his proper person and prays that he may be admitted to Chose a Certain ^Willm^ Walton as his Guardiant which is granted him &c Thereupon Its Ordered by the Court that the said William Walton take the Estate of the Said John Walton orphan afd into under his Care both real and Personall and that Thomas Collins who hath the Same now in possession deliver the same unto the said William Walton Quietly and peaceably and that the Said William Walton Comply with the Law in Such Case made and provided &c William Walton son and Orphan of John Walton being not of full age to Chose his guardiant as the Law directs therefore a Certain John Holland is appointed by the Court as Guardiant to the said William Walton orphan as afd untill such time as the said William Walton shall attain to full age to Chose all the Estate of the said William Walton both Real and personall and that a Certain Thomas Collins deliver Who hath the same ^now^ in Possession deliver the same unto the afd John Holland and that he Comply with the Law as is directed in such Case ^and^ provided &c Whereas a Certain Jeffery Long of Somersett County Gentl being Obliged to Return a Certain John Sailor to this County Court of Somersett he being a Servant Crimanall to reemburst to the ^said^ County of Somersett two hundred and forty one pounds of tobacco which was paid for him &c Now here at this day to witt the fifteenth day of June Anno Dom One thousand Seven hundred & twenty five Comes the afd Jeffr'y Long and delivers up the Said John Sailor as aforesaid he was of Oblidged &c Thereupon a Certain William Matthews of Somersett County Planter Comes into Court in his proper person and Confesseth Judgm.t unto the said County of Somersett for the afd John Sailor to be paid ^the^ Next Levy Court thereupon the said John Sailor is discharged &c
Volume 840, Page 16b View pdf image |
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