Volume 833, Page 378 View pdf image |
378 March Court 1719
the 15th day of the Same month Anno Domi 1719 being the day of return of Said writ Endorst Cepi Corpus pr me Simon Wilmer Sherf. and the Said Deft by John Johnson his attry comes and defends the Saveing to himself all manner of Exceptions & Advantages as well to ye writ as to ye Decln of the Sd Plt. force and injury when &ca. next Court and he hath it the Same day is given the Plt also
return thereof to the Court here on the third tuesday in March to wit the 15th day of the Same month Anno Dom 1719 being the day of return of Said writ Endorst Cepi Corpus Copy of the Decln Served in time pr me Simon Wilmer Sherf Whereupon the Said Plt by Thomas Bowne his attry prays the Said Deft may give Special baile in the Said Accon which is adjudged and that the Sherf of Said County keep ye Sd Deft in Safe Custody untill he Shall give Special baile to the afd Accõn
Leafe Tobacco and Casque to Containe the Same of the value of Tenn pounds Sterling money which from him he unjustly detains &ca. and whereupon the afd Plt. by Thomas Bowne his attry Saith that whereas the afd Deft the Second day of July in the Year of our Lord Christ one Thousand Seven hundred and Nineteen at St. Pauls Parish in Kent County and within the Jurisdiccõn of this Court by his Certain Bill obligatory which he the Said Deft Sealed with his Seale and as his deed delivered hereinto Court brought the date whereof is the Same day & year afd Bound himselfe to pay to the afd Plt the afd |
Volume 833, Page 378 View pdf image |
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