Volume 833, Page 326 View pdf image |
326 August Court 1719 Maryland and the Three Thousand one hundred and forty Six pounds of Merchantable Tobacco to the Said Plt altho’ afterwards vizt. the Eleventh day of 9ber. and often after in the year afd in the afd County and Jurisdicion by the Said Plt he was thereunto required hath not paid nor made Content for the Same but that to pay or Content the Said Deft hitherto hath denied and Yet denys to the dammage of the Said Plt Thirty pounds Currant money of Maryland and thereupon he brings Suite &ca Bowne pr Querr plds Jno Doe Rd Roe and the Said Garrett Clossey by John Johnson his Attry comes and defends the force and Injury when &ca. And prays leave to imparle hereunto untill next Court and he hath it And the Same day is given the Plt also Att which Said next Court to wit the 16th day of June Anno Domi 1719 comes againe as well the Said Plt by his Sd Attry afd as the Said Deft by his Said Attry And rule is given to the Said Deft to put in a plea to the afd Accõn otherwise Judgment to be rendered to the afd Plt want thereof And thereupon the Same Action is Continued untill the next Court Att which Said next Court to wit the 19th day of August Anno Domi 1719 comes again the Said Plt by his Sd Attry afd And no plea being put in to the afd Action But the Said Garrett Clossey altho’ Solemnly called comes not but he makes default whereby the Said Plt remains against the Said Deft without further defence Therefore it is Considered by the Justices here the 19th day of August Anno Domi 1719 afd That the Said Bennett Lowe Recover against the Said Garrett Clossey as well the Sume of Three pounds Sixteen Shillings and Six pence Currant money of Maryland and one Thousand five hundred and pounds of Tobacco Seventy Three^ his Damages by Occation of the premises afd as also the Sume of four hundred and fifty one pounds of Tobacco by the Court here adjudged him for his Cost and Charges by him about his Suite in this behalfe Expended And the Deft in mercy &ca. Jams Smith Clk
Volume 833, Page 326 View pdf image |
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