Volume 833, Page 28 View pdf image |
28 March Court 1717
& within the Jurisdiciõn of this Court & at divers other days & times as well before as after the fear of God before her eyes not having but by the Instigation of the devil did Commit fornication with a Certain person to the Jurors unknown to the high displeasure of Almighty God the evil & pernicious example of others against the peace of our Said Lord proprietarie his Rule & dignity & against the forme of an Act of Assembly of this province now in force in Such Cases made & provided &ca- Johnson pr Dno prprietr. on the back of the preceeding Indictment was Endorsed as folls vizt. True bill John Evans foreman And A venry being Issued to Cause the afd Sarah to Answer the Indictmt. afd And the afd Sarah in her proper person appears to the afd Indictment ordered by the Court here that the Said Sarah Green prove the person that Committed fornication with her but She denys on which She Saith that She Cannot gainsay the Indictment afd nor but that She is guilty of the fornication afd layd against her and thereon Submits to the Court~ = Therefore it is Considered by the Court here vizt. this Twentieth day - of March Annoqe Domini One Thousand Seven hundred and Seventeen That the afd Sarah Green pay the Sume of Thirty Shillings Current money the fine for Committing the offence of fornication afd and also to pay the Cost on the Same to the officers of this Court~. ordered that the fine afd be delivered to the Sherf of Said County which was accordingly done ordered by the Court here that the Sherf of Said County keep the afd Sarah Green In Custody untill She Shall pay the fees to the officers of this Court on the premises afd
with a Certain prson to ye Jurors unknown & thereby did Suffer herselfe to be begott with Child to the high displeasure of Almighty God to ye Evill Example of others against ye peace & Contrary to an Act of Assembly of this Province now in force in Such Cases made & provided &ca. Johnson pr Dño Propry ~ on the back of the preceeding Indictment was Endorsed folls vizt. True bill by William Boyer foreman and |
Volume 833, Page 28 View pdf image |
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