Volume 814, Page 68 View pdf image |
68 1855 before the subscriber a justice of the Peace for the county aforesaid personally appears Henry Forsyth and acknowledges the foregoing release to be his act and deed for the purposes therein mentioned according to the true intent purport and meaning thereof and the acts of assembly in such case made and provided Reuben Warfield Received on the aforegoing Instrument of writing when presented for record one dollar in lieu of stamp under the act of 1846 ch 61 W H Worthington clk Received to be recorded the 6.th day of February 1855 at 15 minutes past 4 o'clock P.M. same day recorded and Examined per W. H. Worthington clk
at the ensealing of these presents have this day sold and delivered to the said Samuel Wethered one negro man named Isaac to serve untill the fifteenth day of november Eighteen hundred and fifty nine at which time he will be thirty years old & at which time the said Isaac will be entitled to his Freedom according to the last will and Testament of Brice J. Worthington of anne arundel county deceased the said Isaac being the child of a negro woman named sophia named and described in said William simpson administrator of Charles R. Simpson Deceased and all and every person or persons claiming or to claim by or under them or either of them or their heirs in any manner whatsoever. Witness our hands and seals this twentyeth day of February eighteen hundred and fifty five Signed sealed and delivered William Simpson (seal) in the presence of Sam.l Wethered J.r (seal) Ignatius Waters J. Peace State Maryland Howard county to on this twentyeth day of February one thousand eight hundred and fifty five before me the subscriber a |
Volume 814, Page 68 View pdf image |
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