2007 Laws of Maryland
the remaining provisions of House Bill 1368 that are subject to this referendum are
summarized below.
Requires powers and duties assigned to the State Board of Elections to be exercised in
accordance with an affirmative vote by a supermajority of the members of the State
Board; requires local boards of elections to establish new precincts to serve certain higher
educational institutions; requires local boards to adopt regulations concerning voter
registration and to allow public notice and comment concerning proposed changes in
precinct boundaries; requires local boards of elections to make public reports concerning
deletion of individuals from the voter registry and concerning the number of voter
registration applications received; authorizes the State Elections administrator to take
specified actions to ensure compliance with State elections laws by local election boards
and personnel; requires that certain provisions of this legislation apply only to certain
jurisdictions and will remain effective until June 30, 2008; requires all polling places to
be equipped with computers containing a record of all registered voters in the county.
(Amending Election Law 2-102, 2-103, 2-202, 2-202.1, 2-206, 2-301, 2-303, 3-501, 10-302)
It is hereby certified that at the election Chapter 61 received 1,000,325 votes cast for the
adoption and 418,206 votes cast against the adoption. Therefore, Chapter 61 has been
approved by the voters.
Linda H. Lamone, Administrator
State Board of Elections
Pursuant to the provisions of Election Law Article, Section 11, Annotated Code of
Maryland, and the Code of Maryland Regulations, COMAR 33.08,1, Linda H. Lamone,
Administrator of the State Board of Elections, hereby certify that at the November 7,
2006, General Election Chapter 190 of the Acts of the 2006 Maryland General Assembly
was submitted to the voters of Frederick County as follows:
Question A
Referendum by General Assembly
Tuscarora District Alcoholic Beverages Sales
A license for the sale of alcoholic beverages may not be currently issued in the Tuscarora
District. The referred law would permit a license for the sale of alcoholic beverages to be
issued in the Tuscarora District. Please indicate whether you support the referred law (to
permit issuing licenses to sell alcoholic beverages) or are against the referred law (to
continue to prohibit issuing licenses to sell alcoholic beverages).
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